
Hey Guys!
          	Check out my latest Blitz Contest, which focuses on limericks!
          	Happy Writing!


Hello Everyone!
          @britainkalai has posted the details for her April short-story contest: This Month In History! Most notably, this contest will be accepting entries that come from previously published works along with original submissions written solely for this contest. Check out the details in her updated Contests work!
          Happy Writing!


Hey Guys!
          Only three days left before @britainkalai's Blitz Contest One closes for entries! Check out the chapter with the rules in her contest work, and get in the mood for next week's Easter holiday!
          Also, her St. Patrick's Day-themed contest closes on March 30th. Even though that holiday has already passed, we are excited to see what your revels have helped you come up with!
          Happy Writing!


Hello Everyone!
          First, a big welcome to all the new members who have joined recently. We are so excited to have you!
          Don't forget about our March contests that we are running right now. @britainkalai is featuring St. Patrick in her short story contest, while @theonemarauder is encouraging us to get creative and compose pub songs.
          Information about the individual contests can be found in works dedicated to each moderator. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
          Also, check out @britainkalai's Blitz Contest in honor of the upcoming Easter holiday!
          Happy Writing!


Hello Everyone!
          Thank you for your patience in waiting for the results of our first contest. We are proud to name @welshfoxglove as the winner of our "Love Letters" contest with an incredibly detailed and moving letter from Marie Curie to her husband Pierre. You can check it out in our Contest Winners reading list.
          We are also pleased to recognize @Junder05 as our Honorable Mention for the contest with a letter from a Confederate soldier to his wife. This story can be found on our Honorable Mentions reading list.
          We would also like to inform you of a slight change in how we will be conducting contests from here on out. The contests listed in our "General Contests" work will be written and judged by Moderator @theonemarauder. Another work (title TBA) will feature contests run by Moderator @britainkalai. You are welcome to enter contests run by either moderator. Please see the individual contest chapters for details about each new contest as it is made available.
          Thank you and congrats to our winners!


@HFContests Thank you! Congrats @Junder05 on your entry too :)