/.   i really want maggie to
          	actually succeed because she's
          	one of my favourite ocs, so cb for
          	a starter or feel free to drop one !


"You seem like a pretty interesting person to chat with,  I'm Beverly what's your name?" The red head asked the strange girl in front of her.  


Beverly chuckled shaking her head and shook Maggie's hand with a gentle squeeze. 
            "No I'm afraid I've lived here all my life ." She sighed. 
            "Sad if you ask me,  considering this town has a morbid history. " she shivered at her own words. 


            maggie gave the red headed female before her a small smile, holding her hand out to shake. "maggie." she introduced herself "maggie campbelle. i've never seen you around before. are you new to derry?"