
Are the tags not working?
          	Every time I click on the tags in rankings, it takes me to a page that says; "Page not found/This page seems to be missing..."


@Milkiestman420 Oh hey! It's working now.
          	  (And yes, I do use browser instead of the app.)
          	  Weird. Wonder why cache was causing the issue. Oh well. At least it's fixed.
          	  Thanks pal!


@GunXBun if you are using a browser instead of the app then clear your browser cache and then log back in


Are the tags not working?
          Every time I click on the tags in rankings, it takes me to a page that says; "Page not found/This page seems to be missing..."


@Milkiestman420 Oh hey! It's working now.
            (And yes, I do use browser instead of the app.)
            Weird. Wonder why cache was causing the issue. Oh well. At least it's fixed.
            Thanks pal!


@GunXBun if you are using a browser instead of the app then clear your browser cache and then log back in


this message may be offensive
I'm very sorry for notifying you all.
          You're free to ignore this message and carry on with your day.
          This is a "my bad." I'll admit that.
          In fact, I'll be the first to admit that this is a "nothing burger."
          But I know some of my followers have written their own To Aru stories, specifically about Accelerator. Or at the very least, you are aware of the character.
          I want to preference this by saying that I like Accelerator. He's what got me into To Aru and I have nothing against this character on a personal level.
          Now with this in mind, I didn't want to make this, but I feel the need to make this out of obligation seeing as this is the fourth time I got this.
          For some reason, I get comments about Accelerator from people who decide to be passive-aggressive assholes and wank about him on my story and asking me to debate them on discord, making it crystal clear that they've never read the To Aru LN.
          I want you all to be aware and understand that I did not initiate this type of conversation.
          Look, Accelerator vs Kakine is debatable, but ""that is not the point.""
          I don't care about this debate. I'm not looking for that shit, so don't start that shit.
          I didn't make a story about Kakine just to have annoying Accelerator fans talk my ear off.
          Perhaps it's a curse for anyone writing a Kakine story to get harassed by Accelerator fans.
          In fact, here's what I think when I see these types of messages.

          (That's most likely unnecessary, but like I said, I do like Accelerator, but screw it. I'm in a rant mood because of these people that started it by making petty insults towards me.)
          If I see more comments like that, I'm going to have to take action and block. I don't want unnecessary bullshit.
          Once again, I'm sorry for the notification.
          You won't see this type of announcement ever again, but it's just something I wanted to rant about and make my stance very fucking clear.


this message may be offensive
            I didn't even know it was one of "those Accelerator fans" at first.
            I thought it was a joke comment (can't really tell if things are jokes or not on the internet sometimes), so I joked back with the same attitude the comment was expressing, but then I was hit with multiple replies at once detailing their bad takes and bad power scaling.
            Then proceeded to ask to "debate me on discord" just so he could continue this conversation "politely" (even though this entire conversation felt passive aggressive the moment he sent 3 replies at once before I even get the chance to reply to 1.) 
            And once I realized that, I didn't take this dude seriously anymore and was just annoyed that I fell for this nonsense and should've just blocked.
            That's like me going to an Accelerator centered fanfic and commenting "Wow. Surprised this fic about Touma's victim is still going."
            Like, jeez how rude can you get.
            Asshole behavior.


this message may be offensive
Yessss!! Overwhelming fans can act so entitled, and it’s really admiring that you ain’t taking shit from them. Especially since adding accelerator is excessive and would definitely disturbed MC’s character growth


            That's good to hear
            Ya blocking people is probably a good idea. Hope you get less meat riders in the future