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@RealHakIru babe I can’t send any more messages as the quota is over? Whatever that shit means. 
          	So I’m sending it here. Also...I’m losing myself to you, that’s for sure. Before I know it, I’m gonna be in love with you. Goddamn. 
          	My face stiffen as I give you a look that says “should I start being rough with you again?” While my big hands get ready to pin your slim body down the floor before I devour your insides. “Your choice, love.”


@Grey_Vritra  do you know each other personally ?? like classmates and all ??


What if jack is Djinn??? Hear me out. As you know, Agrona used the fate edict to transfer greys soul to his word. What if a djinn who survived transferred his own soul into the body of jack and searched for a champion, someone to send back to his world to save it. Where Grey comes in. 


How’s it been author. Ideas for the king grey fic. About the Audra’s, maybe Grey will learn about them earlier with him being OP. Enough to not trust them immediately and begin preparing for them. I also imagine him being a reliable father/uncle figure to a lot of students if he works as a teacher, also I imagine him merking the Greysunders, Blaine, and that weird guy “Sebastian” or whatever his name was on sight. He is having none of it. If he sees someone who may threaten him or his friends, he will delete them as soon as possible.


I imagine in the story of king grey, when he meets sylvie for the first time he will think “Damn…I’ve been stranded in another world without my wife or son and now I’m a single dad! What kind of bull do you have intended for me Jack!”


Fufu yeah that’s something that will happen when he starts to take care of Sylvie. 


My man I’ve already written the next chapter and was about to update right now 


Also how’s it been author


Things to possibly put down.
          Woman being attracted to Grey after they see him being a kind, reliable uncle/father figure to cement a DILF Grey (better dad to Sylvie than Agrona ever could be) a capable teacher too, I see him being offered teaching positions after the war. Maybe we have a victory party where when it’s revealed he’s a commoner at a powerful core stage (or has an aether core) and acts more like a noble, he’ll be offered marriages at this party and he’ll have to reject them hard.


@myontor yes, and it will be obviously given a valid reason for that. 
            Canon Grey “died” when he was around 35. But this Grey was sent to the tbate world when he’s 30-31. He married around 22-23 and had little Nico. So basically….this Grey is already younger than the canon Grey (or Arthur). 
            You can see Grey mentioning that his body was getting better after starting to use beast core mana. As if he was looking younger than his age. So as time goes by and after he gets a core and all…he will look even younger. So I’d say he’ll look to be 20-25 max by the time the main canon female leads are of age. 
            This opens up opportunity for potential love interest in the future. I’ve already decided most of them. As you’d know already, many women/ girls will start liking Grey, but he’d be…Grey. Not so dense but rather reject them subtly. Ofcourse there’s also his wife Cecilia who is probably alive in his home world. He may or may not see her ever again so he will think about that as well… He he


So the many is basically aging, but not physically. Youth, but will age in his head. He won’t look a day over twenty when he’s actually sixty then


@myontor ah there you are! Welllll I can tell you one spoiler I think. Grey would get younger or rather, would look younger as years goes by. He’ll look around 20-25 so most would probably think that he’s a young man. Except for those who’ve already seen him earlier, of course. 
            But think about it. No matter what…this version of Grey will always be younger than the “real” canon Arthur. Lol so this Grey could easily date…let’s just say, Tessia. Or Caera. Or Claire, even. 
            Yeah, just putting it out. As for your other theories, I’ll use some of them. I already have a few of them in mind so yep ima use it. Thanks my man.


Author, maybe Arthur can’t use mana i. The king grey story without a beast core, but maybe instead,  he gets an aether core, since it’s already far stronger than a mana core, like meeting Sylvia he gets and Ashran body and her will, plus a small pool of aether he can build up. Aether is far stronger than mana. 
          Also maybe we see the elves are desperate with a strong, aether user Arthur and they sick their lances on him, that would be nice to see, the merciless grey defeat some of the continents strongest mages


My man. Welcome back! That is a nice theory. I’ll take this into consideration since it sounds good ans valid. 
            Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! 


So how will we meet Sylvia. What a patrol mission and Arthur gets separated due to being attacked by elves? He stays for months and everyone thinks he’s dead? He gets an actual mana core and gets very op? Maybe jack does some things to give grey a core? Sylvia dies but is in greys head? Then when he’s returning home, he stops slave traders and rescues a small tessia (perhaps her mom too if this is milf hunter grey) and ends the war and is declared a hero? Then he decides to go teach at xyrus and meets glory, but also dealing with Vincent’s wife, the human queen, and other milfs? 


My man I just saw your message here. And about the on. You’ll know. I’m publishing atleast one chapter a day nowadays 


Hey my man in king grey story since Alice is not related to gray why not add her on harem she will join harem after Rey will die in hand of bandit 


My man I wrote that ff mainly because I wanted to write Grey and Alice. So yes I’ll add her in the harem. For others well let’s see who will be in it. 