
Hey guys. I'm probably going to really drop off the map for the next little while, meaning at least the next two weeks. School started three days ago, and I'm trying to get everything into place for the year. Things haven't gotten to difficult yet, but it can't be long before they will. (I'm not complaining, I'm sorry if this sounds whiny. I just want you guys to know why I'll be gone for a while.) As of today, my books are basically on hold. Sorry. I'll come back regularly as soon as I can, and start writing again.


Hey buddy ,  my name is sofia and i just read your book of the journal 3 of gravity falls , idk if you cheked , but in the last page of this book there is somthing that says "No part of this book may be reproduced by any form or by any means , electronic or mechanical , including photocopying , recording , or by any information storage and retrieval system , without written permission of the publisher" so you may want to do something about it , thanks.❤


            they were decoding the codes for the book. it says nothing about not sharing information that could he helpful to readers alike. :/


Hey idk if you remember me but I'm originally PokemonRescueSquad.
          I switched accounts a few weeks ago 


@DefinitelyAnAuthor it's okay.
            It's been stressful as of late but I'll survive :)


@DefinitelyAnAuthor Yeah, of course! How’s it going? I hope you’re well!


hey there, friend -
          just wanted to drop by to wish you a happy birthday !! we may not talk all that much anymore but that doesn’t mean that i’ve missed you lmao. anyways, hope you have a lovely day and a satisfying celebration. wish you good health, and may more blessings come in the near future <33


@ZEPHRYSIS No problem lol, thank you so much! I’m so sorry I haven’t been catching up with you more, I hardly ever go on Wattpad anymore and I’m sorry I missed this! I think of you as well and I miss our time together. I hope you had an amazing birthday and that you have a phenomenal year. Thank you for everything my friend <3


** i haven’t missed you - sorry for the typo !


Hey guys. I'm probably going to really drop off the map for the next little while, meaning at least the next two weeks. School started three days ago, and I'm trying to get everything into place for the year. Things haven't gotten to difficult yet, but it can't be long before they will. (I'm not complaining, I'm sorry if this sounds whiny. I just want you guys to know why I'll be gone for a while.) As of today, my books are basically on hold. Sorry. I'll come back regularly as soon as I can, and start writing again.