
Adam asks if I'm going to work tomorrow and I giggled and replied, "What you saying babe, I'm a stay at home honey." 
          	He looked almost scared to engage. Hahahahha... I played espresso and gave him a concert he never asked for. 
          	So, I might be single soon. Anyone want to date me? 


@Greg_isAwesome lol am sure it aint that bad lol 


Adam asks if I'm going to work tomorrow and I giggled and replied, "What you saying babe, I'm a stay at home honey." 
          He looked almost scared to engage. Hahahahha... I played espresso and gave him a concert he never asked for. 
          So, I might be single soon. Anyone want to date me? 


@Greg_isAwesome lol am sure it aint that bad lol 


Guess who got covid?? 
          That bitch is me. So if I'm well enough to upload, look forward to it. Hahahaha if I go radio silence, probably meant I'm practicing for death. 
          I'm deadly proud of my accomplishments. Having covid a week before my mother flies off is good timing. It's sacarsm if you haven't notice. I'm amazing like that. 
          Till then. 


@SweetMinSuga25 It wasn't that bad, but my gums felt weird. Maybe I'm growing fangs. I don't know. I'm blaming everything on covid. Late for work? Covid. Traffic jam? Covid. Hair falling out in clumps? Covid. Hahahahahhahahahaha


@Greg_isAwesome covid sucks hope you are better 


Ok, so I uploaded a few chapters. I'm enjoying the little moodboards. Makes me smile despite me coughing like a little engine that could. "Cough, cough, puff, puff, coo, coo!" Nevermind. Ignore the reference. 
          I'm sick. Someone send me soup.


Will I be uploading the chapters weekly? I honestly haven't decided yet. It's done—the entire book, but I haven't edited it since I took it down. I'm trying to participate in Watty, I know I can't compete with what is out there, but I can try, eh?
          Hope is a horrible isn't?


@SweetMinSuga25 thank you! Big dreams and all. Tarot card reader said that I'll achieve big things ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


I'm gonna upload one of my books here by the end of June. It's one of the things that I was kind of proud of, but it was from a previous account. So if it sounds familiar, just humour me and pretend that you don't know me ok. 
          Give my fictional Hoseok some love. Or read "Untitled" and "Junnie’s". SHOULD I CHANGE UNTITLED TO "COME BACK TO ME?" Hahahahah
          It's funny how the fic falls close to the MV.  


          I decided to write about the love scam operation. I think I'll do a bit more research for this fic because it has a bit of world building, and it deals with premises that I am not used to. Hence, the research. All I know that it exists as Moon's past life. So I shall use that as inspiration.
          Anyway, I'm going for this shibari art instillation thingy this weekend. All for the craft! But no, I'm not partaking in any hands-on activities but simply watching one being knotted. Ha!
          Maybe I'd get distracted and write that one scene (in my mind) where the MC gets tied up like a thanksgiving turkey. "Baste me, Oppar!"
          Ok nevermind. 
          But thanks for reading "Junnie's" I like Seokjin's kids and if I ever want to extend it to a book, I will write about how they bully Seokjin into having his hair braided, put on lipstick and attend tea parties with Lego tea and Arjay The Llama and the nude Barbies with knotty hair. I'm that kid with horrible Barbies where they are always naked with stickers in lieu of clothes. 
          I'm kinda surprised I snagged a husband because I'm a mess. But it is what it is. You'll appeal to at least one other human who thinks you hang the stars and can do no wrong. I swear to God, mine is Namjoon, but we haven't met. YET. 


I posted the Hoseok × original character fanfic. Did I add a smutty scene? No. The devil returned my soul because he said it's broken. It depreciated in value, for each year I'm alive. 
          Anyway, it's done. Better done than perfect eh. It was rotting in my drafts. I have a mild obsession with stickers. And coffee. I used to own a review book where I give away stickers and if I was anywhere whole, it would have been great. 
          So what should I write next? I read this fanfic about a ghost hunter who can never find ghosts but it was because his crush kept repelling and cleansing the ghosts. That was cute. 
          And I always like the ABO universe. If I were to ever find my mate. They'll smell like tea leaves. Fresh, crisp and slightly sweet. 
          Trust me. You don't want to know. But what should I write next? Or who?


@oxMoonxChildxo hahahahahhaha thank you!! Gonna write that love scam thingy. Maybe with the maknae?? Because I don't know why I'm missing him


@Greg_isAwesome And I loved it! And am ready for everything else you got coming! Gimme more oneshoooots!