
tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
i should finish a damn book and stop writing random shit


Been depressed lately, knowing that I can't get the college degree I want in my dream university.
          I know no one cares, but:
          -Recently I finally realized what undergraduate program I want, and that is Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE).
          -I will take it as a pre-law degree and I want to someday directly bring change to my country by trying to be involved with my country's politicians that exploits my nation.
          -I found out the program is not available anywhere in my country.
          -Researched a lot for schools in Florida (my aunt lives there and I want to be near) that offers it, and discovered one university offering it.
          -Palm Beach Atlantic University is the name. Researched, fell in love, but then reality hit me a few months after doing tedious researches.
          -I don't have money to fund my 4 years which will cost about $250,000, nor will I able to get a full scholarship with living expenses for that.
          -I cried a lot these past days, willing myself to let it go and give up, besides I can't even pay for a toefl or ielts test that is required for international students in the application. I also don't have $300 (i forgot if it's exactly that, or it has another zero) for a downpayment. A Dollar is 51 times greater than Peso (my currency), so even $20 that's probably just nothing to other countries is already a big thing in mine.
          -I'm planning to move on, but I can't just yet, and in an attempt to have closure I made a gofundme, wishing someone in my life had ever financially aided me in the first ever concrete dream I had in my life.





@Kouha_biggestSimp yo hi sldkdkkdks i edited everythin in my magi one shots, especially the solo stories without parts. I put more depth and easter eggs xd but yes i will post more soon, and hopefully other fanfics
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