
Hello all! Hope everyone is well and staying safe and healthy☺️. Once again, my apologies for lack of updates. I am writing once again and will have the next chapter of the Physicians Lady up soon! Thank you all for your continued support of this book. It blew me away to see 62k reads! That is amazing! Have a lovely day, afternoon, or evening wherever you are! 
          	Psalm 18:32 ‘It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.’ 


Hello all! Hope everyone is well and staying safe and healthy☺️. Once again, my apologies for lack of updates. I am writing once again and will have the next chapter of the Physicians Lady up soon! Thank you all for your continued support of this book. It blew me away to see 62k reads! That is amazing! Have a lovely day, afternoon, or evening wherever you are! 
          Psalm 18:32 ‘It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.’ 


Dear Grace, I am enjoying your story The Physician's Lady, I find stories about doctors and nurses very interesting the TLC tender loving care so needed !  How are you doing where you are ? You have already posted 21 Parts on 4 July 2019. So looking forward to your next Update when you are able. God bless you. Praying for you for new, fresh inspiration from the Holy Spirit.


Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing well. Sorry for the wait on the next chapter, it will be up soon and it’s pretty long  too so I think you will enjoy it☺️. Thank you so much to all of you giving me such awesome, positive feedback, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it! That’s all for now, as always don’t forget to vote and comment! Goodnight -G