
Hey y’all,
          	Sorry I haven’t been updating much recently. I’ve been extremely busy with work and wedding planning and getting ready to move so I haven’t had much time to write. But I decided that, until I can get a good schedule going, I will mainly be updating Lean On Me and Good Old Days. I will update the other stories every now and then but my main focus for right now will be these two stories. 
          	Lean On Me will be updated on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Good Old Days will be updated Mondays and Wednesdays. I will try to get updates out Friday-Sunday as well but it may just be Monday-Thursday for the time being. 
          	Thank you all for understanding and being patient!


Excited for whenever The Broken Road gets a update. I have loved the couple of chapters that are up so far. It's interesting that the main character cochlear implants and is a musician, I like it for the fact that it shows something different that you don't see many people write about. Plus I love the relationship she has with Joel and Luke.


Aww thank you so much!! I do my best to incorporate different kinds of disabilities and conditions in all my stories to kind of spread awareness and help people remember that everyone is different and has something that makes them unique and that those differences should make them celebrated and not ignored. I’m trying to get an update out soon now that life is kind of slowing down for me. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the story!!


Hey y’all,
          Sorry I haven’t been updating much recently. I’ve been extremely busy with work and wedding planning and getting ready to move so I haven’t had much time to write. But I decided that, until I can get a good schedule going, I will mainly be updating Lean On Me and Good Old Days. I will update the other stories every now and then but my main focus for right now will be these two stories. 
          Lean On Me will be updated on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Good Old Days will be updated Mondays and Wednesdays. I will try to get updates out Friday-Sunday as well but it may just be Monday-Thursday for the time being. 
          Thank you all for understanding and being patient!


I will be going through My Little Girl and changing it completely to third person as well as editing it. I am going to be unpublishing it in order to complete the edit and will repost the chapters as I finish them. Thank you everyone who has commented, voted, and read this story! Your support has been very much appreciated!


I will be unpublishing Stand By Me again because I picked up on a few inconsistencies throughout the story with the characters and also with the ages of the characters. I will be republishing each chapter as I edit them but it may take a while due to a busy schedule so please be patient. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and voted for this story.


I will be unpublishing Stand By Me in order to do some editing and maybe make a few adjustments to the story line. I will republish the chapters as I edit them and may add more chapters between the ones previously published. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and voted for this story. I will have it back and improved as soon as I can 


Hey, y'all! I am unpublishing my story "Lean on Me". I feel like I rushed through the beginning of the story and have noticed a lot of inconsistencies throughout the story. I will be going through and editing/adding chapters and changing a few things in the overall storyline. I will repost chapters as I complete them but I just wanted to let y'all know that the story will be back soon.


Thank you so much! I’m working on the next chapter now. It should be up later today or tomorrow 


@Grace013310 hello.. I read all the parts till now... Pls update the rest of the story!! You are awesome 