
I'm going to be posting the next two days trying to get drafts out so that away there's new chapters for some story's and some new stories it self. I have 14 more draft to finish for publish one and four news that aren't at the moment.


I'm going to be posting the next two days trying to get drafts out so that away there's new chapters for some story's and some new stories it self. I have 14 more draft to finish for publish one and four news that aren't at the moment.


So with some family drama going on with in my life right now. I've had to get a job, so with in the next few days I will try and post new chapters to some of my stories but then I will be an hiatus until I can get my ducks all in a row. Please bare with me that I hope to be bad in a few months unless it takes longer then that. Thank you to all that read and comment along with vote on my stories. I hope to be back and to come back to a wonderful reviews of my stories. Thank you all and I will update as soon as possible.


@GothCowgirl03. Take your time!! Do what you need to do. I totally understand and wish you all the goodness and empowerment for you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☺️☺️..


So, I have just seen that my story Judas has been removed because it violated their guidelines. But Anyone who has red it, can you tell me if it seems to have violated its guidelines to you? Cause I didn't see it being any different then whats been posted on this platform.


@easzy458 i plan to repost on here but I've so far reposted it on neobook


@GothCowgirl03  I love  Judas ❤️. I can't understand what was wrong with it 