
          	I would like to inform you... okay I can't be formal for the life of me.
          	Basically I wanna tell y'all that the story I wanted to write before got deleted and such and I wasn't able to recover any of it. Serves me right for typing it on my old laptop. Ah well. I've lost interest in retyping the story, so I've decided that the fanfiction with various universes (universi?) like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Mortal Instruments, Hunger Games, Doctor Who, One Upon A Time, and many more that I can't think of at the top of my head, will not be published or written. Sorry to all who waited for it.
          	BUT WAIT THERES MORE! I've decided I'll be doing another book, which will be songfic one shots. If you didn't know, a songfic is a "An often exceedingly fantastic piece of fanfiction which alternates between a story and song lyrics." and a "work of fiction interspersed with the lyrics of a relevant song" Make of that what you want.
          	So, my request to you people is: Send me a song you want me to create a scene off of. 
          	Thank you Glitter Army. Peace
          	~Crystal (GlitterArmour)


          I would like to inform you... okay I can't be formal for the life of me.
          Basically I wanna tell y'all that the story I wanted to write before got deleted and such and I wasn't able to recover any of it. Serves me right for typing it on my old laptop. Ah well. I've lost interest in retyping the story, so I've decided that the fanfiction with various universes (universi?) like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Mortal Instruments, Hunger Games, Doctor Who, One Upon A Time, and many more that I can't think of at the top of my head, will not be published or written. Sorry to all who waited for it.
          BUT WAIT THERES MORE! I've decided I'll be doing another book, which will be songfic one shots. If you didn't know, a songfic is a "An often exceedingly fantastic piece of fanfiction which alternates between a story and song lyrics." and a "work of fiction interspersed with the lyrics of a relevant song" Make of that what you want.
          So, my request to you people is: Send me a song you want me to create a scene off of. 
          Thank you Glitter Army. Peace
          ~Crystal (GlitterArmour)


@GlitterArmour Orrrr...! If you're gonna ship two guys in one of your one shots...
            Boys In The Street - Austin Percario & KHS - Greg Holden COVER
            (yes I know those are both covers, but they're just awesome alright XD)


@GlitterArmour Maybe: Humble And Kind - Tim McGraw - Diamond, Tyler Ward, & KHS Cover
            Would be awesome! :D


Thanks for the follow! I just followed you as well. I wish you the best of luck of getting to your goal of 100 followers. You are pretty special and I strongly believe that you deserve more followers and votes. :)


Thank you so much  :3 