
I want to apologize for not posting in so long. It looks like it will still be a while before I can. My husband and I have been looking after my elderly parents since the end of November. 
          	My dad is deciding whether or not to do radiation for a skin cancer he has that is inoperable. He also suffers from dementia. 
          	This last Tuesday, I found out that my mom also has dementia and has been hiding it from me, but it's gotten worse, and it was her saying that her car wasn't working and that the keys wouldn't come out of the ignition and my husband learning she’d left it in drive that sent us to the doctor where we found out. 
          	Now I have to worry about her trying to cook and everything else.  I have reached out to their doctors, and they are working on finding a care facility to move them to. 
          	This is what I've been dealing with lately.  Hopefully, things will calm down soon, and everything gets sorted out. This has sent my stress through the roof.


@Glitchie13 your welcome I know what your doing I'm a CNA and it is an adventure everyday. 


There is no need for apologies you are taking care of your family and no matter what happens your family will be with you every step of the way! 


I want to apologize for not posting in so long. It looks like it will still be a while before I can. My husband and I have been looking after my elderly parents since the end of November. 
          My dad is deciding whether or not to do radiation for a skin cancer he has that is inoperable. He also suffers from dementia. 
          This last Tuesday, I found out that my mom also has dementia and has been hiding it from me, but it's gotten worse, and it was her saying that her car wasn't working and that the keys wouldn't come out of the ignition and my husband learning she’d left it in drive that sent us to the doctor where we found out. 
          Now I have to worry about her trying to cook and everything else.  I have reached out to their doctors, and they are working on finding a care facility to move them to. 
          This is what I've been dealing with lately.  Hopefully, things will calm down soon, and everything gets sorted out. This has sent my stress through the roof.


@Glitchie13 your welcome I know what your doing I'm a CNA and it is an adventure everyday. 


There is no need for apologies you are taking care of your family and no matter what happens your family will be with you every step of the way! 


NaNoWriMo is upon us again, and I've got a new story. I may have to make an AO3 account for this... or something. As its progressing, I am not sure if it is something that Wattpad would accept or not. I may try it after NaNo when I hope to finish it, but we'll have to see what happens. It is a fan fiction of the Harry Potter universe. It is post-Battle of Hogwarts and revolves around Ginny Weasley.


Hey everyone, 
          Good news! All of Catching Her Heart Part 1 has been re-uploaded. It is using British English as the novels were originally written. I hope to get Part 2 underway soon! I do apologize for the long wait and any formatting issues as I copied it over from Google Docs and Wattpad didn't like some of the formatting. Also, I made sure that each chapter now has either an animated graphic, stationary graphic, or video header.


Ugh, well I WAS trying to post an update on here for Catching Her Heart Pt. 1, but it doesn't seem to be keeping my formatting from Google Docs. *eyeroll* so the update might be a little longer in coming.  I was trying to make it easier for me to find the letters between Oliver and Hermione by having them formatted as a header so they appeared in my outline sidebar. But apparently Wattpad doesn't like that format and is smooshing them together making the formatting have issues with spacing and layout.  Sorry everyone. I hope to have it sorted out soon.


I know I haven't been around other than to read lately. In fact, the reason for this is that I started my own book seller business. It has done well through spring and summer months but has slowed down.
          I am currently waiting for a company that I am working with to finish up my website.  While I am waiting, I have been copying my story Catching Her Heart Pt. 1 from Novlr to my  Google Drive, and it has allowed me to make further edits.  
          I just started over the weekend and am already on Prisoner of Azkaban.  I will be reposting the story when it has been completely moved over. I will then be doing the same for Pt 2 and hopefully be back in the groove to pick the story up again. 


So I figured out why I don't have a lot of Lord of the Rings stories. Went through my folder this the last few days and recalled that I kept losing my copy of the Elvish Dictionary by The Grey Company, and didn't want to print another copy. I've been through several boxes in my garage today and didn't find it yet. I will keep looking but I doubt the stories I have that aren't yet complete will be finished because one is basically a retelling of another whose concept didn't work the first time, and the third is another idea that wasn't working out. So it's quite possible that I will only have My One True Love and I'm Moving to Middle Earth for Lord of the Rings stories. I have a fourth more recent one from back in 2021 that might be finished, but I just don't know yet. That one I stopped because the religious aspects of it were getting to be too much for me to deal with at the time.


My first 2022 NaNoWriMo story is now live in its full, rough draft version. Please adhere to Wattpad's age guidelines and read all warning tags. If it is not your cup of tea, there's always other stories.  Please leave hateful comments at the door.
          If you are of age and don't mind the warning tags, please read and review as it lets me know how well the story might do on Amazon. Thank you for your time and support.


Tomorrow, January 8th 2023,  I will be posting an all new story. This story contains adult content and is intended for readers 18+ at the VERY LEAST. It is a horror/sci-fi story that is based on my real life experiences and real people I know. It was written for therapeutic reasons. And I was urged to publish it by my friends as well as my therapist. It is in its rough, unedited format and will be available on Amazon soon in its polished form. I am posting it here to see how it goes over before I post it to Amazon. Please review if you are of age. Thank you!
          It is one of three stories I did for NaNoWriMo in 2022. I hope to have all three stories posted here before they go into their polished version on Amazon. A coupon will be made available for the completed version on Amazon for any here on Wattpad who review the stories. The first story is called Mutants Whore, the second is called The Pregnancy Game, and the third is a Beauty and the Beast story called In Search of a Curse. I am not sure if Wattpad will accept the third story or not, but we will see. Once again, these stories were written for therapeutic purposes and are NOT meant for anyone under 18 years of age. Nor are they ANYTHING like I've written on here before. Please be on the look out for them and review if you're of age. Thank you!


Tomorrow I will be posting an all new story. This story contains adult content and is intended for readers 18+ at the VERY LEAST. It is a horror/sci-fi story that is based on my real life experiences and real people I know. It was written for therapeutic reasons. And I was urged to publish it. It is in its rough, unedited format and will be available on Amazon soon in its polished form. I am posting it here to see how it goes over before I post it to Amazon. Please review if you are of age. Thank you!