
I am a good soul, and I wish to check on you. How you doing? Any idea when the next chapter can be out for PAIS?


It was a joke, I hate Whirlpool


@FanFicChad20  I don’t mind, your opinion is yours. Though I would question it a little because…like why? Give at least a reason.


Hey, what is your opinion on Whirlpool? What if I said he’s better than Qibli(or your favorite character)? How would you react?


          When the world is at peace, and evil defeated
          A great darkness from worlds corner will come and take it
          Only one dragon can stop it all
          A dragon who has been on the fall
          His blade moves swift, carrying death
          But in this time, he is the only hope left
          He shall be joined by a wing of night and a wing of sky
          And a hybrid who has opened his eyes
          But the dragon must first look in his past
          To find his peace
          For if not, an ancient evil
          will be unleashed


@FanFicChad20 But for real, it’ll take a bit(though Strawberries and Darkness might be an option). I actually am thinking of a morbid artwork for the series instead but we’ll see.


I have made my decision, we need kiss from Mink and Peace. We, the fans, demand one!


What do you think of a RainWing assassin named Venom? I would like to do a story on him called “Savior or Monster.” Thoughts?


The main thing about the story is that there is a threat to all the tribes that Venom can stop, but will he help the tribes that have neglected him, or learn to forgive and save the tribes?


@Glitched_Ghosty I was thinking that he has a fear/hatred for NightWings, and when he sees one he forgets procession and just tries to kill them.


I made the crossover between my world and yours. I hope you enjoy it if you read it.


@FanFicChad20 I don’t know. But I’ll hopefully work on it this weekend.


Thank You! I just added another chapter, so enjoy!
            Also when is there to be an update to Peace and its Shadow.


@FanFicChad20 I read that chapter, it’s nice.


You know, now that I think about it, we’re the HiveWings an Empire? Also you have 11 followers and over 9000 reads. Says a lot about society(my friend wanted me to say this).


I don’t know, my friend told me to write that.


@FanFicChad20 How exactly does that last part correlate to society?


@FanFicChad20 The Hivewings were I believe pretty much an empire who gained control over the whole continent besides the Poison Jungle.


How did you come up with your story idea? Did you have to write it multiple times, and how did you decide to write Peace the way you did? Just curious. Also my story I asked cover art for is out, please give a read.


Ok, thank you. I must say your Peacemaker story is my favorite! 


@FanFicChad20 I’ll give your story a try soon.


@FanFicChad20 For Peacemaker, then I had to say that I read several other Peacemaker stories and when I looked at all of them, I wanted mine to stick out from the rest. For a character like Peacemaker, you could be flexible and be creative with what happens, how they are, etc.


I just want some quick advice. I want to write a WOF story about an OC of mine named Shimmer(she is an Ice-Rain hybrid). It is going to be taking place about 5-7 years(haven’t decided yet) from book 15, and Shimmer is going to be caught in the middle of a 5000 year old rivalry between the CrystalWings(OC tribe) and Phyrria. (Quick note the CrystalWings hate the Phyrrians because they used to live on Phyrria, but were pushed out when other tribes didn’t like them).
          I just wanted some advice on how to make the story(please no 15000 word chapters hahah… Im not making fun of you. I just don’t have that time, and I admire you for your dedication). Please?


@EbullientRetro13 Like I said, I’ll think about it. Right now is definitely not the time but maybe in the near future I might. Key word: might.


PS: Their overall body shape would be similar to the IceWings, but with hints of MudWing face and crystals on their tails.


Hi, I am a huge fan of yours! After reading your story, I decided to become a Wattpad creator. You inspired me. Also, please make Mink x Peacemaker a thing. I need that in my life.
          Ps: if you could read my stories too, that would be great! Just type EbullientRetro13! I will make a story about you in the future if you do !


@EbullientRetro13 Hello Ebullient, thank you very much for enjoying the story so far. I’ll gladly read new works, keep staying imaginative and healthy.


I just came from school with a history lecture on South Africa laws before apartheid (which is basically U.S. segregation but much harsher and only ended mid 90s) and this gave me some thoughts on the Silkwing situation in the books.
          Silkwings are representive on the treatment of minority groups by the group in power.
          For example the jobs being dictated by the hivewings is similar to not only slavery but also restrictions on jobs seen after slavery ended.(for example South Africa set up "the mines and Works act in 1911 which reserved high paying jobs to whites)
          The hivewings have education designed to make them good workers and beat out any independent thought and culture. Akin to the U.S. taking Native American children away from there families and attempting to assimilate them.
          Like even after the resolution of book 15 we don't get a resolution to how they are going to deal with the damage caused other than a democracy. Which looking at other democracies formed post colonial... That is not a good resolution for the silkwings.
          Thank you for listening to my ted talk lol


I mean from what I got from my history teacher In the south segregation was codified but it maintained a thin veneer of equality. So legally nothing was direcly targeting what jobs they could get(and their education), but since African American neighborhoods were much poorer in reality well you know.
            That brings up another question: what is the social standing of Silkwings in your  fanficton? How does the law treat them? How is there economic situation? How are they treated in society? I mean from what I can guess they seem to be more of a poorer demographic and I would not be surprised if they experience de-facto segregation


@ChristmasoftheKings I would like to add that the laws mainly restricted African American rights or made them difficult to exercise. Unless I’m wrong, they tended to take jobs that no one else wanted and the lifestyle were often violent and dangerous.


@ChristmasoftheKings Although there is a lot I don’t know about history it did remind me of the Jim Crow Laws seeing how Silkwings were assigned jobs, forced to be in dangerous conditions, and constantly put the Hivewing tribe first in basic things like trying to buy a treat(seen in book 11 I’m pretty sure).