I am very lazy. That's the only excuse I actually have right now. Lazy and without muse. I'll start typing again, but that won't change me being lazy.


TO THOSE OF YOU WHO SEE THESE MESSAGES, I AM NOT DEAD, AND I AM SORRY FOR NOT HAVING UPDATED ANYTHING IN SO SO LONG. Not sorry enough to post a series of short chapters though. Sorry. This message is to tell you all that I AM WORKING ON UPDATES FOR ALL MY STORIES, I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN, and I am currently very busy in real life with school ending and my sleep-deprived mind is struggling frantically to overcome finals-induced writer's block. But I am trying, I promise you, and I work a little on each story every day, probably like a paragraph a day, and the next updates will not be disappointingly short like they have been. Thanks for reading this, and reading my stories, it really does mean a lot to me.


Random Thing: My real life cat's full name is Mario Wednesday Supersonic FuzzyButt Pear Apple Sova-Partridge-Kongstad. He has two first names, four middle names, and three last names. My other real life cat's name is Starshine Frankie Partridge-Kongstad, she has one first name one middle name and two last names.


Random thing: When I get bored, I work on one of my books, but I want to keep the plot steady and use emotions to my advantage, so I have a lot of books going so I can work on the one that best places my emotions at that moment.


Random thing: the reason the first part of my username is 'Girrly' is because my minecraft username is 'GirrlyCreeper' and it was a typo, but now when I make usernames I just use two 'r's. So I have a lot of usernames that start with 'Girrly'.