
Hey, Everyone. I am so so busy. I don't write a new chapter for a while. I just graduated from college. I am back to write again.


Heyy, I am back; sorry for not posting a new story for a long time. Have good New Unexpected Lutteo, Red Sharks vs. Jam&Roller, and Soy Luna Teen Parents will post a new story this week. Unexpected Lutteo will be 35 chapter, Red Sharks vs Jam&Roller will be 11 Chapters, and  Soy Luna Teen Parents will be * chapter. Please Keep checking my Conversations. I will keep update with you soon. Thank you so much for your patience.


Hey everyone, who has already read my story called "Unpextced Lutteo" this story is pretty long, with 8 hours and 34 chapters. I know some of you love my new character Lola. Lola will have to leave this story soon. Lola will be in some story Lola's story will not end. Sorry for the Spoiler. But We need a lot of focus on Matteo and Luna's story. I love my character Lola. but I make a decide to leave for Lola. This is rough to decide with Lola. Lola's story never to be ending.