
Hello everyone! 
          	I felt like I should give you all an update on what’s happening with Matilda ‍♀️. I’ve been really busy the last few months BUT I’m hoping that in about a month and half, I’ll have way more time to write . 
          	Thank you all so much for reading - its so hard to believe people are actually reading it ❤️, so thank you so much for your constant support. 
          	Matilda is far from over! So keep an eye out in late November ish for more chapters!! ❤️☺️


Dw take ur time ur not a robot or anything lol u have a real life love the book btw


Hello everyone! 
          I felt like I should give you all an update on what’s happening with Matilda ‍♀️. I’ve been really busy the last few months BUT I’m hoping that in about a month and half, I’ll have way more time to write . 
          Thank you all so much for reading - its so hard to believe people are actually reading it ❤️, so thank you so much for your constant support. 
          Matilda is far from over! So keep an eye out in late November ish for more chapters!! ❤️☺️


Dw take ur time ur not a robot or anything lol u have a real life love the book btw


Hello!! I just started reading your Matilda ASOUE story, and I finished it. Are you still working on it?? I absolutely love it.