
I know that I haven't written in a very very long time but I'd like you all to know that I still love and appreciate all of you who love my work :) I still get emails of your comments and such which makes me smile throughout the day. So thank-you from the bottom of my heart :*


I know that I haven't written in a very very long time but I'd like you all to know that I still love and appreciate all of you who love my work :) I still get emails of your comments and such which makes me smile throughout the day. So thank-you from the bottom of my heart :*


It has been years since One in a Million has been completed and I just wanted to say thank-you to everyone of you who has continued to read and support my book. I finally had the time to go over the chapters and edit them. I apologize if I have missed any in the process. Thanks again my fellow readers and writers! I love you all! :D


@Giggles91 thankyou! That means a lot to me!


@Giggles91- i  loved this book so much!!


Hi! I've been a fan of your work for years and I know just how brilliant you are at writing snape fanfictions. I'm entering my work, Delusion, into the watty awards 2014 and I was just hoping that I could have your support? Anything would be wonderful as I really hope I'm in with a chance this year! Thank you!


@Giggles91 yours was one of the first works I read when I joined wattpad in 2011! And thank you so much! :) I understand how busy you get, I feel the same! I have so many unfinished works because I just don't have the time or am too stressed to finish them!!!


@patdfanatic Sure! :) I'll try my best to encourage people to read and vote for your story. Thanks so much for being a fan of my work for years :'3 it means a lot to me! Sorry for not having written in a long time, College is weighing down on my creative side at the moment. -.-''


@Georgie007  I know! I've been rereading it off and on and thinking about possibly a spinoff with one of the four kids but I don't know which one or who with and then trying to figure out plots and gahh!!! Yeha.... -.-' I hear you :)  but I do have another one on the go that I'm typing and liking but I'm kinda holding off... Have an ideas? :)


@Laryssa thank-you so much! At first no, I didn't. I don't know if you have seen that movie Inception with Leo D'caprio? It's not quite the same as the girl's name but I liked it but then for the one chapter (I don't know how far you've read so I won't spoil it) I looked up Greek names and was surprised to see it there. Perfect fit at the time being. :)