
Its been a year since i said that I would be posting again.... Imma just say that probably wont happen any time soon. BUT i am rewriting/Translating and writing new stories. Im planning on publishing in real book form. I probably will never upload another book or chapter here again. I am really sorry, but i am upgrading myself. It is time to be a writer who goes to publishers! I have made so many memories here and I loved my time here. I will continue to read books here and I owe you guys everything. A special thanks to a small group of people that I used to hang out with. They know who they are (i dont remember their usernames and dont wanna name drop them incase they dont have their irl name here xD). They have helped me through so much when I was just a wee lil teenager and I owe them everything as well.


Its been a year since i said that I would be posting again.... Imma just say that probably wont happen any time soon. BUT i am rewriting/Translating and writing new stories. Im planning on publishing in real book form. I probably will never upload another book or chapter here again. I am really sorry, but i am upgrading myself. It is time to be a writer who goes to publishers! I have made so many memories here and I loved my time here. I will continue to read books here and I owe you guys everything. A special thanks to a small group of people that I used to hang out with. They know who they are (i dont remember their usernames and dont wanna name drop them incase they dont have their irl name here xD). They have helped me through so much when I was just a wee lil teenager and I owe them everything as well.


Heyy jij boeken zijn echt super leuk maar ik heb een vraagje jij en benji waren altijd super goede vrienden/schrijf maatjes ik weet niet precies wat jullie waren maar als jij nog schrijft. Zou je dan plss het boek a long way down with Liam Payne overnemen want ik hou echt van dat boek maar ik vindt het jammer dat ze het nooit heeft afgemaakt 


@Xiaoyuan365 Ik ga niks overnemen van iemand anders zonder toestemming. Benji helaas heeft besloten niet meet social media te gebruiken ongeveer 7 jaar geleden. En ze is een geweldige schrijfster, ik zou haar verhaal nooit af kunnen maken en er goed bij voelen. Het spijt me maar het verhaal zal waarschijnlijk nooit afkomen


Heyy! I know that ive been inactive a lot and im really sorry for that. Im trying to fix it and write more :). I will be cleaning up my stories that i cant continue and erase them. Sorry if it will be a story you liked. Also i made a discord group feel free to join it! 


Welcome back Love!


@ Gemini336  whoop whoop! Welcome back :)


Anyone else getting these spam comments on stories?
          With someone tagged and then: "Congratulations you've won." ????
          Every time i click on it the message is gone and its always a different account so blocking is no option...
          I am very annoyed


I started writing again. I had a pause because of a very busy period at school. Exams and stuff.  I will publish at least 2 chapters a week. More then that is not really possible until I have my diploma. Stay tuned. :D
          A New Chance and A New Member are my English books that I am working on right now so check those out and if you are Dutch every other book you can read too :)