
Apologies for being dead. It was wrestling season then I got grounded for having a D in spanish. In celebration I'll be doing a new story though! Im debating on whether I want to make it Ben 10(It'd be ben in the marvel universe. either mcu or comics) related or where MC has the power of adaptability/mimicry. Give me your input


Apologies for being dead. It was wrestling season then I got grounded for having a D in spanish. In celebration I'll be doing a new story though! Im debating on whether I want to make it Ben 10(It'd be ben in the marvel universe. either mcu or comics) related or where MC has the power of adaptability/mimicry. Give me your input


Are you gonna do anymore chapters for omnitrix system story?


@MadH22attter Well not right now. That was something I did at 2 AM motivation so I'm still trying to get it but it's gonna br once a month for that book. Then One Piece is gonna be when I feel like it. That's just kinda my schedule.


Are you still updating ben 10 male reader story.


@PansGame Not at the moment. I've lost a lot of motivation for it. I shouldn't really say lost but it transfered to the new story I'm writing. Maybe if I have some new idea but it takes a lot of effort fir the style I have and I can't think of a different way to do it.


Alright i published the frigging story. Read it and tell me how I did please. It's short like ur dad's dick cuz I'm too lazy to do more than 1 episode. I'll do a few episodes a chapter later on but not tonight. not tonight. Thanks for following me and hopefully you ben 20 needs like One Piece as well or I'm screwed.