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what the fuck...


Did you have a blast tonight? 


@caitlinneil7 I'm in love with Taylor and Hayley so it was GREAT for me


@Gayasslittleshit she’s always stunning. And Paramore were amazing as well. 


Yall I'm seeing Taylor on June 7th and I'm trying to figure out should I finish learning all her songs? Like I know all on the setlist but should I learn every other songs she's put out? It's only like thirty plus a few TTPD songs I'm still memorising but I also wanna learn more of the PARAMORE songs, but I also have to finish my outfit and make bracelets like do I do it or no?


@Gayasslittleshit that’s brilliant. Well done.


@caitlinneil7 update is actually that I only need to learn five more Taylor songs until I know her whole discography and I know the whole paramours set so we’re good


@Gayasslittleshit it’s definitely better than nothing. Also to answer your question about the songs. You should definitely learn more of Taylor’s songs but don’t put yourself under too much pressure. Maybe learn paramore’s set list then focus on their other songs after the concert definitely don’t put yourself under any pressure. I think I’ve listened to TTPD like four times, I’ve definitely not memorised all of Taylor’s songs. She’s got over 200. Definitely don’t pressure yourself 


Guys how do you get a girlfriend? Genuinely? Cause I can't ask my crush out EVER. So like no one's gonna ask me out so what do I do...


@Gayasslittleshit oh dear I'm sorry that sucks so much :/ you'll find someone I promise and it'll be like it never happened. <3


@m0nsterqzzz I wish but she literally said she realised she loved her ex today YOLO ✌️


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@Gayasslittleshit okay first of all yes i totally understand!!! crushing on a friend is actually the hardest thing ever and i feel for you. second of all, i def get what you mean. insecurities will always sneak in, everyone has them, and the idea that maybe she'll only go out with you because you asked is totally understandable. third of all, SHE'S CRUSHING ON HER EX. STOP. NO. NOPE. NOOOOOOOOO. BABES IM SORRY BUT SHE'LL NEVER BE OVER HER EX. IM SO SORRY. i've been in that situation, and it's so hard to let the other person go, so she probably will not for a very long time and im so sorry for you. lastly, i don't know her personally, so i don't know what she's like, but honestly if you guys are like GOOD friends, and she one day is all like, "oh no i don't like my ex anymore." and then you ask her out, she won't like stop hanging out with you. if she does, it makes her a bad/fake friend because i would totally understand if you were fucking stalking her or something and not leaving her alone and she stopped hanging out with you, but as long as you respect her boundaries and tell her you understand if she says no, everything will be okay. again. all MAYBES. one because i dont know if she'll ever be over her ex and two cuz i dont know yall personally. sorry im ranting. anyway i hope everything turns out alright and once again if you truly just cant ask her out, you'll find the one someday!! don't worry. i love you babes.