
Replaced some artwork from some chapters, because I know I can do better  Anyway I'll work on a chapter but no promises that it'll be published soon


Hi I have a question about your how to Train your dragon book which I absolutely love. What I’m asking is are you going to make a sequel to the book or are you just gonna focus on your TDI book?


@ravenbloom25 I have actually been thinking of making a sequel, but that's on hold at the moment along with the TDI book, I will be able to update them and publish the sequel soon so dw


Hi I know you're not working on the tdi story rn (witch is amazing) but I wanted to know how Sierra would act around them


Thank you for answering my question 


@Danielle192006 she would probably expose them like paparazzi


Hey everybody! I'm so very sorry I haven't been updating, I'm actually in a big situation at the moment. Unfortunately a fire started in the master bedroom of my home, I don't know how it happened all I know is that a lamp burst into flames once I had open the door of the room, I'm completely fine but I called 911 right away and fortunately the entire house didn't burn to the ground just the bedroom. Anyway until I find a place to actually live in and not crash at my family members' house the TDI book will be on hold. Thank you for supporting my terrible writing!