
Hopefully everyone is enjoying the stories. I am hoping to tidy up some old series this year by churning out some new content. I'll keep you posted. ;)


It's been a while, hasn't it? I know I haven't been around much, but that's what happens when you're trying to live life to the fullest and try new things. I have unfinished business to attend to and I can't keep putting it off any longer. 2022 will be the year I close some chapters and maybe some doors too. Keep your eyes and ears open for things to come.


The time has come for me to return to the writing realm. I wish I didn't leave, but life has a funny way of reuniting you with your passion when it aches within your soul. My desire to push boundaries is burning like an eternal fire. I am coming back soon, let it be known.


Well my lovely followers, the time has come for a new series to begin. Don't fret, I will finish Volume 10 of the Progressive Erotica series when I get a chance, but for now I thought we might all benefit from some healing. Please check out what Grandma's book used to look like before I wrote all over it.


Well, dear fans, it has come time for me to branch out into something new. Now I don't wish to jump the gun just yet and ruin the surprise, but... I will be collaborating with a fellow writer on my next project. The writing hasn't officially started on it yet, but I am very excited to branch out and learn from someone who I think will better my writing and inspire me to push myself further in my erotica. Keep your eyes open for "The Therapist". We are hoping to start writing it soon! - G.B.