
A brief message to say that chapter 2vof Love, Loss, Leysin, Looking (got it right this time! Only a complete fool gets the title of their own story wrong! Enough said!) will be with you shortly. I wonder who will be most rude? ME!! Happy weekend


A brief message to say that chapter 2vof Love, Loss, Leysin, Looking (got it right this time! Only a complete fool gets the title of their own story wrong! Enough said!) will be with you shortly. I wonder who will be most rude? ME!! Happy weekend


After a bit of a delay (oh the joys of Wattpad and broadband connections!!) A brief message to let you know that  (after 3 weeks no less!) chapter 4 of Pictures, Words And Worries will (hopefully!) be with you shortly. Read at your leisure, please feel free to be extremely rude, I really don't mind! Happy weekend


A brief message (assuming it works, which sometimes it doesn't!!) to let you know that chapter 2 of Pictures, Words And Worries will be with you shortly (hopefully!) Read at your leisure and be as rude as you like to me, about it!! Happy weekend


A brief message to let you know that chapter 1 of a new story-Pictures, Words And Worries will be with you shortly (he says with such confidence!) Read at your leisure and if you like tell me to get lost and leave again!!! Happy weekend