I've finished my Villain Deku fanfic. I won't be updating it anymore, we're done. I think it came to a satisfactory close and I can't think of anything else to do. It went on for much longer than I expected it to so don't be upset if you think it's short, considering the fact that the original plan was only ten chapters. I'm moving onto other stories and going to shift my focus on my Teach Me Emotions story, sense I have a clearer plan for that. 
          	Thank you all for the support on my story, I'm really happy it got read at all! I hope it was good, and I'm glad if you enjoyed it. I may add a QnA chapter just to answer things so ask any questions you have!


I've finished my Villain Deku fanfic. I won't be updating it anymore, we're done. I think it came to a satisfactory close and I can't think of anything else to do. It went on for much longer than I expected it to so don't be upset if you think it's short, considering the fact that the original plan was only ten chapters. I'm moving onto other stories and going to shift my focus on my Teach Me Emotions story, sense I have a clearer plan for that. 
          Thank you all for the support on my story, I'm really happy it got read at all! I hope it was good, and I'm glad if you enjoyed it. I may add a QnA chapter just to answer things so ask any questions you have!


Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and say something. I may be finishing my Villain Deku fanfic soon, this isn't certain yet but don't worry! I've got more fanfic coming soon, I have ideas. Not only that but I have an original comedy story idea (not that most my followers wouldn't be all too interested), do keep in mind I'm not the best at writing comedy but I wanna try :)
          So basically, if my fanfic is ending soon, don't be upset, because I have more coming. After all, I can only write it for so long (I've been writing the thing for at least 2 months, maybe more. It went on way longer than expected) and I'm not just going to give up on my account.


I added to both my Villain Deku fanfic and Mask's Off today, currently working on part 4 for You'll Never Be A Hero. I'll continue Mask's Off when I know how I'll continue it lol, I don't know right now though. However, since You'll Never Be A Hero is newer, I have so many ideas and therefore, will put more focus on it right now.