Hello everyone, I have decided to redo my story THIRTY DAYS because I felt as though the chapters could've been better. Overall I hope you guys enjoy it and can relate to my book as much as possible. Please don't hesitate to give me some feedback. I'd love to hear from all of you <3 


Hello everyone, I have decided to redo my story THIRTY DAYS because I felt as though the chapters could've been better. Overall I hope you guys enjoy it and can relate to my book as much as possible. Please don't hesitate to give me some feedback. I'd love to hear from all of you <3 


Hello everyone, Happy Hump Day lol :) I have a few Chapters of my story " Thirty Days " uploaded and ready to go! Hopefully everyone will be able to relate and reflect deeply within themselves while enjoying an action packed story. I'm so excited for this story you guys. I hope you all truly enjoy it! :)