
Working on a new book for y'all harmonizers.....




I'm so excited


@5SECONDSOf1D356 hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhhahahahahhaha


I'm crying today not only because it's been 4 years of my 5h family together, but those are tears of happiness. I'm now crying tears of sadness because I found out earlier that my beloved noodle Ricky and my beautiful Peach Ariana broke up. Rickiana was a huge part if my heart. Ricky made Arianas eyes shine with happiness and not only the whole fandom could see how happy Ricky made Ariana, but everyone else did too. I read that Ariana broke up with Ricky because things just weren't working. It's been a year that they were together. Today is a good day for the 5h fandom but a terrible for the Arianators/ honeybabies/ tiny elephants. Most people are happy about the break up but I'm devastated. As long as Ariana is happy, I'm happy for her. I'm trying to stay strong for Ariana but it's hard when I admired the two together so much. Honestly I looked up to Ricky and Ariana. They were so beautiful together, they seemed so happy, and some beautiful and even tragic memories were created as they were together. I never liked any of her other boyfriends, and I'm not trying to hate, but I definitely didn't like big Sean. I always thought Ricky and Ariana would get married and have little Ricky's. I'm tearing up as I write this and i really didn't mean for it to be this long but it's a big piece of me gone now. Ricky was and still is my daddy, Ariana is always my mommy, and I don't want anything to change that. Hopefully after a break, they might see things different and get back together. I love you so so so much rickiana. I will forever ship it in my heart and will never forget the shine in my babies eyes as she looked at Ricky for even a second. I love you peach and noodle, forever. 7/27/16 ❤


Happy fifth harmony day. They have officially been together for 4 years. These four years have been amazing. The first couple they provided me with happiness. But then this last year they've provided me with love, happiness, confidence, and have gotten me through some tough times. Lauren, you continuously provide me with great knowledge and confidence. I think we have the most in common. And for that I love you. Dinah Jane, you make me laugh everyday and sometimes make me cry with your amazing vocals. For that, I love you DJ. Mani Bear, you and I have a lot in common too. You're my southern sister and you make me laugh every. Single. Day. You're so beautiful and loving. You always keep your faith in God and help me through tough times. I love you Mani. Ally, you make me happy and keep me sane. Thank you for keeping the group together and being the mama of the girls. I love you Ally cat. Camila, you make me laugh all the time with your crazy goofiness. I love you so much. You're so beautiful and you stay strong through everything. We also have a lot in common and you help me to stay confident within myself. You help me pull through those tough days and I thank you for that camz. I am so happy to be a harmonizer and they aren't just some girls that sing. They have loving, sweet personalities and I love them for that. Today also kicks off the 7/27 tour. P.S. i love you Simon for putting these crazy freaks together, you're truly genius. I love you girls so much and I'm looking forward to many more years. ❤