
All I have to say right now is ACAB 
          	Please sign petitions 
          	Please don't go to protests because it's very dangerous right now 
          	Black lives will ALWAYS matter . This is not just a trend .
          	Love you all and please stay safe


My brain: New story idea!! Must write now!
          Me: okay… what’s the plot..?     
          My brain: Hmm, plot? No, no, no, none of that here, my good friend, my good sir, my good ma’am, but may I offer you an overall general Vibe, an aesthetic if you will, a vague feeling to convey, a-    


Lmao thanks for liking my story I really appreciate it and I hope you'll like the future chapters ill be wrighting and also thanks for adding it to your list lmao anyways this is getting long well enjoy the story and I hope you'll like it