
Coming tomorrow...
          	Encanto: Demonic Drawings - The Final, Freakin Epic Version!


You ever heard of Blue Eye Samurai?


@Freakin_Epic_Dragon I am a dude. And don’t worry. 
            Blue Eye Samurai has only 8 episodes in the first season. You can make it through in a week if you watch two episodes a day.


@Jss2141 I'll need to watch the series before I come to any major decisions, but this could be fun to write! Thanks man! I'm assuming you're a dude anyway...


@Freakin_Epic_Dragon Two ideas come to my mind.
            1. Mizu ends up in Encanto and takes Mirabel as an apprentice after seeing how horrible her life is with the Madrigals.
            2. In a slightly different AU where Encanto is always attacked by enemies, Mirabel trains to become like Mizu to help her family even when they say she can’t help.


OK. I get that you discontinued the Encanto mysterious island, but can you at least put it back so people can at least read it?


@BoStewart3 But then again, maybe the story of the Mysterious Island isn't over just yet...


@BoStewart3 Sorry man, but once its gone, its gone for good. Like I said, I'm sorry if you enjoyed it, but there's nothing I can do now.


Big news. But not good.
          As of today, I'm officially cancelling the Multiverse Chronicles series. And here's why.
          When I joined Wattpad, I didn't expect to get as big of a reputation as I have now - and it's become clear that MC is just an undertaking that's too big for me. And besides, I'm tired of having "everything being connected." I just want to write for one reason - to tell the stories that I want to.
          Let me be clear: I AM NOT QUITTING WATTPAD! I'm just discontinuing Multiverse Chronicles so that I can focus more on telling stories that don't have any connections and are just fun.
          I know a lot of you will be sad to see this series go, but if you want, you can absolutely try and take up the series yourself and tell it your way.
          Until next time, stay freakin epic my friends.
          And thank you.


@Freakin_Epic_Dragon sad to see it go but hey you had to eventually so your mental health would be fine
            stay comfortable doing with what your doing epic


I'm sorry there haven't been any updates for a while, but that's because that thing I hate having called "a real life" has been getting in the way a lot. Updates will be a lot more sporadic than normal but rest assured, I AM NOT DEAD OR QUITTING!


            Hey that's cool man take all the time you need; life should come before your stories.


@Freakin_Epic_Dragon i also hate having a life aswell
            not like i have a big one but still


After a lot of work, I finally combined all the stories for Multiverse Chronicles Phase One into a single book! Check it out if you're new here, or if you want a refresher on the story so far. 
          Also, its come to my attention through Jss2141 that Wattpad is deleting stories for no reason. I have no idea why, but I'd advise everyone to be careful and keep an eye on your stories to make sure they're all there.
          Bye for now!


I got another idea what if Mirabel got Godzilla power and she became queen of monster and she snap at her family show them who is afraid of


@DarrenHarte0 Bruh, stop with all these ideas, they're all too good! I'm not gonna be doing anything other than writing for a few days now, so actually thanks! I'll be sure to credit you for all these!


Okay, so I've made a new reading list that has all of the Multiverse Chronicles books in chronological order - from Heart of the Monster, all the way to Monsters and Leviathans. I say this so that you guys know that its there in case you want to get caught up on the story so far, since tomorrow I'll be releasing a new fanfiction...
          Scaly Skin, Human Soul. COMING SOON!


So, I've noticed that literally no-one has been reading the latest few chapters of my Cutter x Aggro story, despite the fact that I've literally updated it pretty recently, so I'm just letting you know that I have updated that fanfic and you should probably check it out.


@Freakin_Epic_Dragon I’ve been reading them, when’s the next book coming out?