
I just wrote my 100,000 word for I'm A What?! That's exciting!


@milamoramua I don't write on any other platforms. My main focus is going to be my books. These are just fun stories to pass the time between writers blocks.
          	  But I have been noticing the the stories that have been taken down are not just because of the genre, but because the stories themselves are so repetitive. The same things happen in most of the chapters. I think the wattpad algorithm is looking for key words and things like 'diaper' 'wee' and other such things. The ones (at least the ones I've found) that have a consistent storyline are all still up.
          	  If worse does come to worse, any story they take down here, they will be posted on my patreon. Link in on my about page.
          	  I think also, because I don't JUST have that one story, they are leaving all my stories up.


@FoxDagon since Wattpad is targeting these kinds of stories lately, are you posting anywhere else like maybe AO3 just so I know to follow?


That’s great! Easily one of my favourite stories so thank you for updating 


FoxDagon you’re so cool. I love your stories. I like watching your videos especially your zombie ones your personality is so fun. I just recently started to read your one of your stories called and I really like it. Lots of personality character. Can’t wait to tell my friends about you you’re gonna definitely be one of our new favorite followers in our group.


I just wrote my 100,000 word for I'm A What?! That's exciting!


@milamoramua I don't write on any other platforms. My main focus is going to be my books. These are just fun stories to pass the time between writers blocks.
            But I have been noticing the the stories that have been taken down are not just because of the genre, but because the stories themselves are so repetitive. The same things happen in most of the chapters. I think the wattpad algorithm is looking for key words and things like 'diaper' 'wee' and other such things. The ones (at least the ones I've found) that have a consistent storyline are all still up.
            If worse does come to worse, any story they take down here, they will be posted on my patreon. Link in on my about page.
            I think also, because I don't JUST have that one story, they are leaving all my stories up.


@FoxDagon since Wattpad is targeting these kinds of stories lately, are you posting anywhere else like maybe AO3 just so I know to follow?


That’s great! Easily one of my favourite stories so thank you for updating 


I'm almost done with the story I had a deadline to. It's been hard to right since it's not anything I normally write. After this weekend, I'll get to work on my updates.
          This story will not be posted on Wattpad. Instead, it will be an exclusive for my Patreon. It will include cover art and (as of writing this announcement) over  15,000 words long. The story will be complete and not a serial.
          Anyone who wants to join my patreon to read it can find the link on my about page!
          See everyone again soon. And thanks for all the comments!


@FoxDagon Hello, I'm new here, but I wanted to say hi! I'm also glad you're okay!


@FoxDagon Awww, what about the cute little darlings in GiantLand? I'm glad you're okay!


Hey, thought it may be a good idea to give you a heads up, they seem to be on a bit of a crusade against stories like I'm a what!? They took down one of mine and a few others I've read and been reading. I highly recommend backing up your story if you haven't already, just in case so you don't lose all your work like one of the authors I was following did.


@Slycooper51 No problem. The author of one of the other stories I was reading sadly didn't have the foresight and is having to re-write it all from scratch, so I figured I'd warn my fellow writers, especially those of my favorite stories. 


@Slycooper51 I have everything backed up. I don't leave anything to chance on these types of sites. But thanks for letting me know


Are you okay?


@FoxDagon I'm sorry for your situation, I hope you feel well soon.


@DefenderofHyrule My cat that I raised as a kitten, he was only 4. That on top of that some personal family things. It has been a very very rough month


Somebody died? That's really sad.


All stories are on hold until at least next month. I've very behind on getting my 2nd book written, and I'm working on a project with a deadline. Not dropping the stories, just a small hiatus til I'm caught up.
          Also had a tragedy in the family, so trying to deal with that on top of everything else. So please be patient with me guys.


@foxdragon dw abt the stories just get urself together and make sure ur feeling fine


@FoxDagon I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. Take your time! We can wait as long as we need. I’ll be looking forward to next month! :)


@FoxDagon I hope you are ok. Don't worry about the stories and stuff take your time we know you will be back when you're able. So take a break and don't burn yourself out


So it looks like 50/50 on should I fix it or not. So I'll start on I'm a What, but at the same time as doing the edits, I won't pause the story like I did with the others. I'm a What should go quick since there isn't too many mistakes.


I can’t wait for another chapter on I’m a what! It’s such a good storyline 


Do I Frighten You has been fully updated! Watch for new chapters to be coming soon!
          Now a question for everyone, should I update my last two stories Jaxon and I'm A What the same way? It would add slightly to the stories, grammar would be fixed, and spelling. What do you all think?


I would like to read the updates instead  x


@FoxDagon, you do what you need to in order to be happy with your work, but I think they're great and I couldn't imagine what you would improve.