
hello  everyone. told this account will no longer be use... I have made a new one and it's @fnaf_lemons please go follow me one there... 


Hey guys I'm back and sorry for all the wit and for some reason all of my books are gone and I was trying to get them all back but I couldn't get them back so I'm just going to remake it and I already did a remake my Five nights at Freddy X reader lemon please go and read it and sorry for not uploading anything 


@FnafFanficLemon  OH MY GOSH!! i am almost crying right now! i'm so happy your back!! :D :D :D :D


Hey guys... Just to let you know that my wattpad have been acting weird for a LONG TIME. And no..  I'm not leaving the fandom sis that I believe something happened to my went back and I'm going to find out what's going on and try to fix it so all of you to say that if I'm leaving the fandom I'm not so don't worry but I'm going to find out why all my book is going