
replanted remastered remastered still in my brain


Hey, I've got some news that might be disappointing to some. Replanted 2 Chapter 2 is being postponed, probably for a while. 
          For one, Miitopia on switch came out today and I'll probably be doing nothing but playing it all week. 
          For two, there were some complications with editing. 
          My editor (and girlfriend, love you Rae!) have decided to save the remaining chapters of Replanted 2 until their completion so they can be properly edited before going up, and thus you'll all be given a much greater finished product. 
          Have a good evening!


okay I miiiiight have overextended myself in my attempt to finish R2 Chapter 2 in 2 days. Thats a lot of 2s. My brain decided to generate two entire novel ideas that I went crazy over during the weekend and uhhhh yeah i got distracted. I dunno if I'll have the chapter up today. I might, might not, and if not it'll be up by tomorrow.
          Have a nice day!


@FluffyGlass very cool fluffyglass. im a big fan.


Happy 2 year anniversary of me liking Plants vs. Zombies! I'm staying true to my word; the first chapter of Replanted 2 will be released at 5PM AST, aka after I get home from school! I'm so excited for this, and I hope you are too!


The first chapter of Replanted 2 will be released May 11th of 2021, the 2 year anniversary of me liking Plants vs. Zombies!
          While the remainder of it may not be posted for long afterward, I'll be keeping it up as a celebration of this dumb little fixation of mine.