
Hey FilmyManiacs..... , we are here to inform you that we are linking our account with @teambollywoodlovers so pls check that account also


Hello ...  : )
          I would like to share my very first book titled Timeless Love...
          .............//THANK YOU//............


Hey guys, all our followers will get a gift sooner or later.... so if u guys are accepting the gift you need to inform us as we need to write weather the gifts are accepted or rejected.....      there is noo need of accepting a gift if you dont like it as its upon your own choice.


Okay all you filmi movie lovers...our first contest will be about:
          Who can create the most F-I-L-M-I-E-S-T or C-L-I-C-H-E  scene/chapter (or actually if your entire book is filmi and you want to enter it just add the the icon that will be included for the nomination form :D