
Hello, sorry to bother you but I was read your “the lion guard “ fanfic and since I also did one some time ago I was wondering if you could read it a little bit and tell me what do you think? I would like to go on but I honestly feel like it’s really difficult 


You know what, I'm not done ;)
          I also feel the urge to compliment a couple other things. One of them is how well-written the villains were. Cause like poorly created villains = poor plot. All of them had a history, goals (pretty much the same one, yet they weren't "twins"). Another thing that impressed me was how you kept the Johanamu part in all three of the books, even up to the Pridelands origin story. It's all connected and it works as whole, not just individual parts! Well thought through.
          Great job incorporating new side characters (quite a lot of them I gotta say). The tree of life having more than 4 lions (and other big predators) to defend it totally makes sense. What happens quite often, people add a bunch of original characters that are simply unnecessary, they don't get enough "screen time" or play any real role. You avoided that and gave all of yours a detailed description, a personality and character development. Again, hats off to you. 
          Your story has the best possible version of Rani&Kion relationship, I don't even know how to describe why, it just does. Again, fantastic job! 
          As I was reading the books, I was eager to find out what would happen, yet at the same time I didn't want the story to end. It is truly awesome, totally made my day (4 actually). I'm certain I'll reread it some time soon, whether you decide to continue the story or not. 
          Thank you once more, wish you all the best ;)


          Hi, I just finished all your TLG books. The only way I can describe this experience - reading them made HAPPY. Honestly, thank you for writing them. Every single chapter kept me (at least slightly) nervous, but good nervous. Somehow you made me love TLG even more (thought it was impossible lmao).  It's like you took all the good parts of the plot and fixed everything that was questionable, yet managed to not change the story completely! Truly an outstanding piece of work. Absolutely best version in my opinion (I've read at least 10 others). 
          I'd like to highlight some of my favorite things of the 3 books. First of all, the plot is super interesting, easy to follow but not predictable. For example, the only part I could foresee was when Kopa (then Saka) was probably gonna die, still you wrote the scene beautifully. And when he did, I realized Rani &Kion were gonna name their kid (who would obviously be a boy) after him. That thought nearly made me cry. Then I read that they indeed called their son Kopa, still made me cry, despite the fact that I anticipated it. 
          Speaking of Kopa, you never failed to make a Kopa my favorite character (both Saka the advisor and Simba&Nala's son). The original Kopa was an INSANELY well written character, very unique I might add. A visionary, kind heart, dedicated and loyal. He was so pure and straightforward (despite the murder part obviously, but that actually wasn't bad), no wonder other characters didn't believe him at first. He wasn't just a guy who needed redemption and who'd die for the sake of the story, he actually was the story himself. 
          Kopa the royal sibling didn't disappoint either. I really liked him from his first appearance. The only thing I couldn't understand was like why wouldn't either Kion or Vitani ask him if he was "their Kopa" (I'd also say that the last book was kinda rushed, the story still works for me though). 
          I'm almost at 2000 characters now, so just a question: will there be more?:)


@Fictionknight2 I thought there was nowhere left for the story to go after TLG ended. But you basically wrote 2 more seasons ;) 
            I understand if you don't want to "force" a continuation though


@zxcvbn23rewq there is no where left for the story to go. But I have my human Lion Guard fic



@_Lucky_Rose_ I can do one a day. Please consider doing the same for my book Righteous Ambitions. Also I appreciate comments.


hai!!!! this  is mewmewkit from critique circle :3


@kidnamedMEW haven't gotten to read them yet


@kidnamedMEW thoughts on the last two chapters?


Hi, are your stories about lion guard king of life and we are one connected?


@Kavyajze1207 Yes We are One is the sequel


Your lion guard season 3 reimagined was brilliant. Suggestion: Make another one except in which Simba and nala die in the battle for the pride lands and lion finds out after he defeats scar. He’s been bitten by ushari and after he finds out that ushari set up an ambush to kill Simba and nala, Kion is full of rage and his rage almost destroys the pridelands.