
Hi! You might not remember me, I'm the girl that had requested the "glam rock chick" drawing years ago and then was going to do the writing collaboration thing but then didn't ever do my part. That's bothered me for years that I flaked out, I wasn't in a good place mental health wise. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to do something and then not followed through with my part. 
          I've actually thought of you weirdly often over the past year, because you're one of the only two Bulgarians I've ever interacted with, and this year I've actually been learning Bulgarian because one of my closest friends is Bulgarian. 
          I hope all is well with you.


@livrae02 oh I just looked at your profile and I see you have an Insta haha, I'll follow you on there, I hope you don't mind


@FayeMorgan_ now it's my turn to apologize for answering late haha, oops. I rarely ever use Wattpad... if you have Instagram, we can follow each other on there? I don't post anything, but I use it for messaging.


@livrae02 And, even though it's two weeks later that I see it, if I have to be honest, you actually my day with that comment...