
Sorry for the wait on WAYWINYM but I currently hit writer’s block so I hope you understand!


My follower count is broken it stays the same even though people are still following me-


@FaveeMySabreGachaFan just be on the lookout, there are bot account that have over 1K followers and speak some other language are bots. I've been a victim of it
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Holy cow how many people just followed me I didn’t expect this-


I went from like 11 or 12 followers to 76 followers in like 20 to 30 minutes-
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Ayoo you deserve those for making a good story :]]
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Done again


@FaveeMySabreGachaFan  oh god, did you try restarting it? Or telling family/friends?
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@_LuckyFish_ Help me please... My device is haunted I'm terrified out of my mind...
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