
Sorry I’ve not posted new chapters to That’s Starks Boy. 
          	After my dog got put down, I kinda threw myself into work. I also lost motivation… for everything. I’m speaking to my GP soon, so hopefully I’ll get put onto some form of medication. 
          	Just keep with me. I will post them. They are coming. I’m just stuck in a rut of no motivation. 


Don't rush yourself, take your time and get better soon ☺️


Sorry I’ve not posted new chapters to That’s Starks Boy. 
          After my dog got put down, I kinda threw myself into work. I also lost motivation… for everything. I’m speaking to my GP soon, so hopefully I’ll get put onto some form of medication. 
          Just keep with me. I will post them. They are coming. I’m just stuck in a rut of no motivation. 


Don't rush yourself, take your time and get better soon ☺️


I’m bringing back That’s Starks Boy… 
          If you’ve got any questions or suggestions for the series (I’ve announced I’ll be releasing the sequel, too) then pop them in the comments below 
          Are you excited it’s coming back? What do you think is gonna happen? (There’s only 10 chapters left of Book One) 


I just finished it, I found it today and read it all because you did an amazing job. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do with it. Also I’m so sorry for your loss 


@noamhamelech I have written a prequel, it’s how Tony & Readers mum got together- which is really interesting. It is on my Tumblr but I am bringing it over here this week 


Due to unfortunate circumstances, my work being stolen, I will not be coming off my hiatus till the end of this month. I was going to come back sooner, as you all know, to post new chapters for Thats Starks Boy- along with new pieces. But I can’t. I feel lost and disheartened that this keeps happening. 


@Fatbottombarnes I'm so sorry! Take as much time as you need!!!


I just binge read Alternate YOU niverse.  PLEASE MAKE A PART 2! I DON'T WANT IT TO END LIKE THAT!  


I started the sequel over on tumblr, same url as here. I’ve never finished it… but… yeah, there’s two chapters over there. Give me a few days and I can upload what I have on here xx


Let me know how you’re liking That’s Stark’s Boy, feedback is always welcome  I hope everyone is enjoying what I’ve done with it so far. The next two chapters get a lil’ action-y (as in fighting and stuff), so I hope you’re excited :)