
this message may be offensive
Hi hello to any who reads this, I just came on here to say that I'm soo happy that The Fire Within has gotten 300 reads!!!! 
          	I'm so shocked and so happy that people are reading my story, and I also have to say sorry about the long break, I got a bad case of writers block and I could do shit without second guessing my self which really sucked.
          	But good news is that I'm back and I'm working on the next chapter which I'm excited to post because now we get to dig deeper on what Isabella can do and all that, so stay tuned an I'll post it as soon as I can.
          	Anyways thank you everyone who has read and voted on my story!!
          	Oh and by the way is anyone a David Kushner fan? If so here's a link to the new song he just drop, I loved it, it is so amazing!!! Anyways bye!


this message may be offensive
Hi hello to any who reads this, I just came on here to say that I'm soo happy that The Fire Within has gotten 300 reads!!!! 
          I'm so shocked and so happy that people are reading my story, and I also have to say sorry about the long break, I got a bad case of writers block and I could do shit without second guessing my self which really sucked.
          But good news is that I'm back and I'm working on the next chapter which I'm excited to post because now we get to dig deeper on what Isabella can do and all that, so stay tuned an I'll post it as soon as I can.
          Anyways thank you everyone who has read and voted on my story!!
          Oh and by the way is anyone a David Kushner fan? If so here's a link to the new song he just drop, I loved it, it is so amazing!!! Anyways bye!


New story out now!!
          I've had this one in the works for a while and I've really been wanting to post it. I'm pretty proud with what I've come up with so far so if you please go read the first chapter now and I'll try and have some more up soon. 


New chapter of The Demons We Hide up! 
          Please go and read it and comment if you like it. I am going to try and update more now that I'm on holiday but please be patient and thank you for reading. ♥️♥️


@Fantasylover_28 Do we comment if we don't like it???