
I read "The Vendor" tonight twice. Once skimming through to dialogue and social interactions and then revisiting it to read it in full.
          I have not read much Siren related literature but have found many books revolving around the arts wherein their influence is made a tangible force by the author. If it has a niche i have never seen it labelled as such so it is not always easy to discover a new work with that concept. Part of the pleasure i suppose as they tend to be diverse in every other aspect, it's like finding treasure. 
          I am curious to see what relationship it will play within your world. I liked the duality of captivation and freedom portrayed so far. Your world seems to not focus entirely upon music or the voice despite its' mythology. I look forward to seeing where you take it, good luck hun. 
          Always interested in more works of this sort too, if you have any personal favorites or suggestions. My personal favorite read to-date would have to be Songmaster by Orson Scott Card. It's a trip.


@MatthewKlukis  Oh, okay, thank you!


@MatthewKlukis oh no, i did not mean that as criticism. I liked the concept of lures and that they use different means and arts to entrance and entrap people is all. It's neat to hear what inspired you.


@MatthewKlukis Thank you so much for your lovely comments. Perhaps I should focus on music a bit more, because it is a huge aspect of the sirens. I haven't read about them much. I got most of my inspiration from a book about watercolour faries bij David Rich and Anna Franklin. I also read about them in a book about classical mythology by Malcom Day.