
I created a deviantart account where I have posted images of the OCs found in Scrapped Together, if anyone is interested! 


@MasterClass60 Really? Awww, thank you!!!!! 
          I feel like I keep detailing myself by going too into depth about things, and the plot isn't moving along as quickly as I hoped it would, but I'm so happy you're enjoying it nonetheless! :D
          Why did I read "marvelous" in Dante's voice? Lol
          I'm loving all or these ideas! I like the concept of Poppy starting a Sign Language program, maybe once it takes off other Trolls with disabilities can come forward and ask for accommodation and consideration as well. *wheels turning*
          I did think of having Laguna's parents at the concert, but I didn't want to detract from the story of personal growth and Dante's moment with Beetrollven, so I didn't do it, but I would like to see them at some point.
          Maybe I can make an OC, hmm...
          You don't sound crazy! I'm very passionate about representation, too! From people with disabilities, mental health, neuro divergent people, and LGBTQIA+ people I think that representation matters!
          You're also very right about the lack of representation in media, it's very unfortunate and leaves a lot of people feeling invisible, alone, or if incorrectly represented, misunderstood.
          Lol it really did! XD


Hello! Good morrow! 
          Say, I've been curious to ask this, but have you considered wanting to do a follow up on your take of Ode to the Joy Chord?


@MasterClass60 I don't know if I replied correctly, because now our conversation is out of order. What I meant to say to you is above. I'm sorry.


I've been following "Scrapped Together" and im riveted with every chapter you release!
            Definitely give it some thought because the way you handled writing that out was nothing short of marvelous! and not only something that definitely needed a good fix to the canon episode itself, but there's strong potential with it that can help create a great follow-up to it! You could have Poppy start a TSL program to help teach Trolls about sign language, you could have Laguna's parents come visit Trollstopia and show the aspects of a family lifestyle when a child has deaf parents and how family communications among the differ from others; you can even create your own Troll O.C. and get to demonstrate through that character your experiences with being deaf and have someone meet your character and befriend them! 
            I probably sound a bit crazy with these suggestions, but I personally feel quite strongly when it comes to the importance of representation, especially in media, and the lack of disability representation in today's media leaves something to be desired, and the ones that DO show it aren't entirely as accurate as the people who experience it. 
            LOL! I Guess the "thought" train had a long thought process!


@Fantastamazingfan The amount of times I used "thought" lol I just realized! XD