
Might write  Once Upon a Time Fanfic thoughts? 


Hey, idk if you even go on here anymore, but I am reminiscing and saw all of our old convos and such and just wanted to see. I know Katy stopped being active in the fandom, but I just recently started up again because I needed somewhere to be creative, ahah. Anyways, I hope you're well:)


1: Is your Passion "The Outsiders"?
          2: What do you want to be when you grow up?
          Also, I just finished "The Outsiders" and "That was then, this is now". She is my favorite author now...spectacular!


            1. Yes and no. I love The Outsiders, but I have a lot of passions. It's not my number one passion, but it is in my top five.
            2. I wanna be a publisher 
            Sorry it took me so long to get back to you <3


I am currently stuck in a lector at some college about their literature major. My dad keeps getting mad at me for using my phone, but I don't even wanna be at this thing. Ugh! We already took a tour of the college where I thankfully could use my phone, but like it's a Sunday. I wanna hang out with my friends, not take a tour of some college. Ugh!
