
Follow up: We have to see what the last few characters are like :) 
          	Will: Super, super, duper bad at it. Can't ever decide if he should go big or not
          	Will: Generally buys the worst things accidentally because he forgot, then goes overly practical
          	Will: Well, most people need to use an oven mitt at some point in their life *shrugs as Kaiko hangs her head in shame* 
          	Kaiko: Not very good at it because she buys things that she likes/needs, Wishes people got her the gifts she got them
          	Kaiko: Generous but hit and miss
          	Kaiko: Well, I think most people would really like this $700 dyson air wrap that I've been point out to Will for months *depressed sigh* Maddy will appreciate this I'm sure *wishes she got it as a mother's day gift* 
          	Hammerhead: Broke, never participates, but throws a tantrum if he doesn't get given a gift
          	Hammerhead: What the hell do ya mean, I gotta buy a gift to get one?! It ain't gift giving then, it's just trading ya blundering fools! I deserve gifts *everyone ignores him because this is just another week with hammerhead*
          	Wally: Could be really good at it but tends to never have enough money to get what he wants to get
          	Wally: Overly excited about the idea, then goes home for christmas and doesn't join
          	Wally: What do you mean that was this week?!
          	Zelan: Methodical, extra practical and sometimes comes out with really funny stuff
          	Zelan: Rigs it cause he's smart and gets Mina, who's happy with anything
          	Zelan: Makes sure that all the wrong people get each other to watch the chaos unfold on the day 
          	Zelan: Ha! Who the hell gets a fuckin oven mitt for a gift *sips oolong while observing* 
          	Pyro: Absolutely evil. Knows everyone is scared of her and takes advantage of it as much as she can. Expects top of the line gifts and knows that Ant is scared enough to give them
          	Pyro: Well I certainly hope that you did better this year *aggressive ripping of paper* Oh you got me Louis Vuitton. Hm. I'll allow it. *sells it on the black market later with Alpheus's help*


@ Fanfic_Writer_03  THAT AMAZING!! I CAN'T KNOW WHAT I SAY!! I hope to publish because I publish too and I'm sure that we will take but I will be here when you will publish<3


@Fanfic_Writer_03 OH MY GOD I love this!!!!!!!!!!! Ah it’s amazing!!! 
          	  Don’t worry at all about the delay in updates, trust me, we will all wait as long as it takes <3 hope you and everyone is doing okay xxx 


Follow up: We have to see what the last few characters are like :) 
          Will: Super, super, duper bad at it. Can't ever decide if he should go big or not
          Will: Generally buys the worst things accidentally because he forgot, then goes overly practical
          Will: Well, most people need to use an oven mitt at some point in their life *shrugs as Kaiko hangs her head in shame* 
          Kaiko: Not very good at it because she buys things that she likes/needs, Wishes people got her the gifts she got them
          Kaiko: Generous but hit and miss
          Kaiko: Well, I think most people would really like this $700 dyson air wrap that I've been point out to Will for months *depressed sigh* Maddy will appreciate this I'm sure *wishes she got it as a mother's day gift* 
          Hammerhead: Broke, never participates, but throws a tantrum if he doesn't get given a gift
          Hammerhead: What the hell do ya mean, I gotta buy a gift to get one?! It ain't gift giving then, it's just trading ya blundering fools! I deserve gifts *everyone ignores him because this is just another week with hammerhead*
          Wally: Could be really good at it but tends to never have enough money to get what he wants to get
          Wally: Overly excited about the idea, then goes home for christmas and doesn't join
          Wally: What do you mean that was this week?!
          Zelan: Methodical, extra practical and sometimes comes out with really funny stuff
          Zelan: Rigs it cause he's smart and gets Mina, who's happy with anything
          Zelan: Makes sure that all the wrong people get each other to watch the chaos unfold on the day 
          Zelan: Ha! Who the hell gets a fuckin oven mitt for a gift *sips oolong while observing* 
          Pyro: Absolutely evil. Knows everyone is scared of her and takes advantage of it as much as she can. Expects top of the line gifts and knows that Ant is scared enough to give them
          Pyro: Well I certainly hope that you did better this year *aggressive ripping of paper* Oh you got me Louis Vuitton. Hm. I'll allow it. *sells it on the black market later with Alpheus's help*


@ Fanfic_Writer_03  THAT AMAZING!! I CAN'T KNOW WHAT I SAY!! I hope to publish because I publish too and I'm sure that we will take but I will be here when you will publish<3


@Fanfic_Writer_03 OH MY GOD I love this!!!!!!!!!!! Ah it’s amazing!!! 
            Don’t worry at all about the delay in updates, trust me, we will all wait as long as it takes <3 hope you and everyone is doing okay xxx 


Hey guys :) the delays in writing must be killing you as much as they're killing me. Here's something to amuse you for the day c:
          How the deep characters would go with secret Santa!
          Alpheus: really good at it, super smug, doesn't care who he's buying it for because he's going to win this
          Alpheus: All of you suck and will never be able to top this gift
          Alpheus: I'm rich and you're not so get over it *aggressive middle finger to everyone*
          Ant: Good at it, but second guesses frequently, then gets over excited and wants to spill the beans early because he hates waiting
          Ant: Mad- nope, uh.......How's your secret santa going? *awkwardly swinging arms trying not to say who he got* 
          Fontaine: Bad at choosing because there's too many options
          Fontaine: Tricks Finn into spilling who he got by pouting the right way
          Fontaine: Thinks secret santa is stressful until she gets it over with, then worries about what she got
          Fontaine: *stressed* Mom can we compare gifts I don't know if I'm being a cheapskate. *sigh* Yes mom I know that it's Gucci but still!
          Maddy: Very good at it but really hates doing it
          Maddy: Never gets to buy things with her own money because Alpheus has given her so much that she'll never be able to spend it
          Maddy: Hates secret Santa until the day of gift giving, when she gets to judge the gift that someone gave her
          Maddy: Wow, you got me candles *slow clap* because I just love cinnamon. Not. Oh that was you, Will. Why am I not surprised. Do I hate it? Noooo *sarcastic* I just find it difficult to understand how you think I would want this. Thank you, tho! It's just what I needed. *tag teams throwing it to Alpheus who adds it to his own collection*
          Finn: Enjoys the process, but takes a really long time to choose
          Finn: Doesn't mind what people get him 
          Finn: This is exactly what I wanted *it's an oven mit* thank you so so much *genuine tears* you're so generous *his gift was a bottle of cologne that took him hours to choose* i love it so much will


hey guys :) 
          How we doin?


@Fanfic_Writer_03 I will post sometimes but I'm so happy who you can't wait to see my story ^^


@Fanfic_Writer_03 I have autism and chewing on suff helps me concentrate and regulate my emotions, even happy emotions make me feel like I want to bite something so I started chewing chewing gum and it helped then I found out about chewable necklaces and I decided to give it a shot I also had a whole bunch of other fidget toys but I like the Necklace the most out of all the others I've tried. 
            Glad to hear you're going good!! Don't worry about being inactive we all understand. Have a great day/night!!!


@Fanfic_Writer_03 Ikr, books and coffee is literally all I need to function happily XD I've missed you tooooo!! I hope life is going okay, I'm always here if you ever want to talk, I love getting to chat with you, don't worry about rushing to update, trust me, we'll all still be here when you get around to updating and we'll enjoy it no matter how long it takes, hope everyone is doing okay xx <3


guyssss name a ship that you know is never gonna happen but you desperately want to, likeeeee kinda your roman empire but not really ;)


@KiwiBunny123 it's okkkkkk and I agree with this actually!


@Fanfic_Writer_03 Right, I'm so sorry because I know I'm so late to this but I still want to say! Mine is hellcheer, damn I just wanted to see Eddie and Chrissy have at least a few more moments together because they could have been perfect I swear


Hey guys :) I posted a deep fanfic on AO3 because I wrote it so long that it was too hard to split up 

          Please please please check it out!!!!!!!!!


@ Fanfic_Writer_03  So amazing as always


ugh guys writing kiss scenes is impossible


@Fanfic_Writer_03 I have struggled with that one for ages, but try and copy from movies, as I have never been in a relationship and can only imagine what it is. lol


@KiwiBunny123 oh good not just me then looooool I mean seriously having to write the kissing scenes usually sets me back 3 days, I'll write 20k in 4 hours and then suddenly I can't write for 3 days because it's a kiss scene and my brain rebels against me


me in my clowning era shipping literally everyone who looks at each other wrong LOOOOL :) 
          Also me: MUsT wRiTe a fAnFic


@KiwiBunny123 oh yes absolutely, we think alike a hell of a lot c:


@Fanfic_Writer_03 Definitely! Me too, I swear it's like we're on a whole other wavelength most of the time


@KiwiBunny123 id have to agree with you there, normal people scare me haha


In case anyone is interested in sharing theirs, my celebrity crush is Bree Larson :)


@Fanfic_Writer_03 mines Chris mine. Like his voice....


Hey guys :P I'm trying to see if it would be worth it to write a oneshot of everyone's perspectives of Ant and Maddy before they start dating and until they begin dating. What do you guys think?


That's much needed especially kaiko's and alpheus


Hey guys, if anyone is free to chat with me about something real quick I would love it :) 
          So the other day we were at a friends/family dinner, Me, Aria, and the little ones. The four of us. And all of my friends/family know that we're a couple etc. But there was this one person who we've known for a super long time who found out that I was Bi not long ago and honestly seemed super supportive. But at our gathering they kept making a lot of comments and I don't know if it was me being weird and reading into it or them being genuinely rude. For example they kept asking which one of us was the 'man in the relationship' and spent a good deal of time observing us and making jokes about one of us clearly being the man out of us both. Then that same person was continuously asking the kids how they handled calling both Aria and I 'mom' without us getting confused, even though that person knows the kids are my siblings, not children. And there was also some silly comments about us keeping any hugs/kisses a private thing because not everyone might be comfortable with it. 
          Aria thinks that maybe it's just them trying to seem supportive and being awkward but to me it seemed really rude and I don't know if I'm overreacting. Any thoughts?


@Fanfic_Writer_03 I'm very late but here's my two cents
            impact > intent, that was a dick move. I bet on my life they didn't make comments on who'd be the dom for any straight couples present.


@Fanfic_Writer_03 Aww thank you so much, honestly that's exactly what I needed to hear right about now xx you too, I hope you have an amazing day <3


@KiwiBunny123 thank you for your support! I Hope you're having a great day, wherever you are and whatever you're doing. I hope that today is exactly what you need it to be c: