
Hi everyone, it's been a while. As many of you have seen I have started up more stories than I can keep track of. Sorry about that. I've been working on the next Chapter of McGonagall's Daughter and I hope you will enjoy it. Sorry about the delay. If you have any requests or wishes or suggestions, I'm more than happy to write them down and spin them into little or bigger stories. Love you all


Hi everyone, it's been a while. As many of you have seen I have started up more stories than I can keep track of. Sorry about that. I've been working on the next Chapter of McGonagall's Daughter and I hope you will enjoy it. Sorry about the delay. If you have any requests or wishes or suggestions, I'm more than happy to write them down and spin them into little or bigger stories. Love you all


Hello I have sent this to all of my followers I’m rebooting the Aris Jones x reader story and I have a solid plan now so if you had the time to read it that would be great because I have a strong plan but not enough following to execute it so if you could read the new chapters I post that would be mighty helpful 


@FaithChandler0 You don't need a following to keep writing! :) Never let your desire to write fall into anyone else's hands. The moment you depend on having readers to continue writing is the moment you give over control of your passion. Writing to be read by others will never be as fulfilling as writing because you enjoy the processes of growing along the way. A piece written for yourself needs no validation and will be all the more loved by the readers you want to connect to if you decide to share it with the world.


Heyyy ! ^_^ 
          Can you please take out some time to give my books a read? 
          They are in series! 
          (First Book)

          (Second book) 

          (Third book)

          (Four Book)

          I hope you find them interesting! 
          Vote, Comment, Share please
          It would be so much to me.
          I will 
          I will dedicate a chapter to you when you put a comment on the chapters or I will mention you on the final book
          To thank you for comment, vote, Sharing my books


Hey everyone, I have some news. Due to School and Homework stress the following Stories will be discontinued for a short time :
          Wer Bist Du ?
          The Secret Glader
          The Writer
          Sorry about this but I'm trying to limit the time I need for everything, including Wattpad. Hope your all safe and healthy, Love FanficQueen29


@FanficQueen29 I'm sure your readers will understand, I just found you from your votes on my story (thank you btw! I hope you enjoyed!) and understand life can get busy! Hope school homework stress is becoming more manageable for you and that you're enjoying life!


Hi, a few things
          One : Hope everyone is doing okay
          Two : I'm stick on two stories. Here they are
          Three : I'm writing a new Maze Runner Fanfic, who should the love interest be ? Newt, Gally, Thomas, Minho, Aris ? I'm letting you decide.
          Four : I'm also writing a Chloenette story, so any ideas are welcome on that end too. 
          And last but not least : Everyone please, 
          Stay healthy
          Have fun
          Don't lose your creativity
          And I hope everyone has a Wonderful Day. 
          Love FanficQueen29 ❤️


Hey guys, so I'm having a MAJOR case of Writers Block on multiple Stories such as McGonagall's Daughter, The Griever's Daughter, Jade West comes to Paris ( will be re-named ), my Random Shorts book and more. Please leave comments or suggestions on my Profile or Stories. Last but not least, everyone please stay safe, have a Wonderful Holiday and a very Happy New Year. I love you all FanficQueen29


@FanficQueen29 Actually, I had an awful day, but thx anyway