
Hello, my lovelies, 
          	I hope you are all doing splendidly this day.
          	I am writing this announcement because I am currently looking for work. As you well know I enjoy writing and reading very much and I am attempting to make a living from it as best I can. I am moving toward moving by the beginning of next year and I need work. If you or anyone you know needs an editor please let me know. We can negotiate the price, I am very flexible. Whether you are writing a book or a short story or even a comic I would love to be your editor. I am also quite good at art. ;) 
          	Please reach out as soon as possible. Thank you and have a blessed day.
          	- Love you muchly


Hello, my lovelies, 
          I hope you are all doing splendidly this day.
          I am writing this announcement because I am currently looking for work. As you well know I enjoy writing and reading very much and I am attempting to make a living from it as best I can. I am moving toward moving by the beginning of next year and I need work. If you or anyone you know needs an editor please let me know. We can negotiate the price, I am very flexible. Whether you are writing a book or a short story or even a comic I would love to be your editor. I am also quite good at art. ;) 
          Please reach out as soon as possible. Thank you and have a blessed day.
          - Love you muchly


Hello my lovelies.
          So I actually forgot to put this in my other announcement but even though I am not creating a patron page, small donations are more than appreciated and in return I might be able to give you a little sneak peak. Obviously you don't have to,its just for those who have the spare change and don't want to wait. I would also like to have a new book cover designed so those donations could help with that. I am rewriting this book by chapter so I will give you all updates when I have finished each chapter outline and then again when I finish each edited and finalized chapter and over course the final announcement of the release date. Hope you all have a wonderful day and an amazing holiday. Good wishes to all!
          - Love you muchly


Hello my lovelies!
          Am I glad to report that I have a flow of inspiration going for me right now and I am already a considerable amount of the way through my first outline. I would like to say that I will not be creating a parton page. While having you all help me would be a joy I am sad to say it would simply delay the production further and over complicate things. Hopefully you all are not to upset. 
          On a good note, everything is going splendidly. I am doing so much more work on the back ground and really piecing everything together. Luckily I have my incredible boyfriend to help me with it. I hope you will all be patient with me, though I know how horrible waiting is. I love you all dearly. 
          -Love you muchly 


Hello my lovlies!
          Okay stop great news. I have completely taken down an unexpected second chance. Now you're probably wondering "How is this good thing?" Well I'll explain, it's a good thing because I have decided to completely rewrite. Originally what I published was just a rough draft, to see how well the story idea was received. Since it was received better than I have thought it would I have decided to continue writing and to rewrite it so that way it makes sense and it's not rushed. Thank you to everyone who read and voted on my story. You are all amazing and I hope you will all be there when I release the final product. It will take a long time as I often lose motivation and I am pretty much starting from scratch. I do know one thing about the story and that's how its going to end and trust me its good. Now, I am a teenager and I don't have a job and I have things I need so I've decided that for small fees between one and fifteen dollars I will give special privileges to you amazing people. Obviously I know not everyone can afford to just throw money at some nobody writer and her book so I will be working on setting up other ways for you to earn special privileges. For free obviously. I do plan on creating my own website where I can interact with you all, where you can earn privileges and where I will keep you all informed on my progress. 
          Obviously this will all be totally useless if no one actually likes my book or me but it's worth a shot.
          *Awkward silence*
          Thank you to all who actually read all that. 
          YOU'RE ALL AMAZING!!!
          - Love you muchly


Hello my lovelies!
          Just wanted to update you on a few things.
          First as some of you may know I participate in weekly streams every Friday night at 7 pm eastern time. Well I have recently added new stream dates as well.
          Twitch: Role.Hit.Die.
          Friday 7pm eastern time weekly 
          Thursday (occasionally) 7pm eastern time
          Sunday 7pm eastern time
          And a special event known as extra life in the Dungeons and dragons world. 
          Extra life November 7 Saturday majority of the day. It’s a charity event where the viewers can donate to children’s hospitals all over America. Please feel free to attend any of our streams and I urge you to donate any money you can spare. Though these are trying times any little bit is appreciated. 
          Please have a lovely day.
          -Love you muchly


Hello my lovelies!
          So I am slightly upset, approximately 20 of my beautiful followers have left me :( 
          Yes yes I know very sad. 
          I felt as if I needed to address the fact that this is happening. I understand people won’t follow a page that isn’t updating and I’m sorry that I’m not but I simply haven’t had the time to write. I have school Monday through Friday, I have streams on Thursday, Friday and Sunday nights, I just recently started drawing and considering starting it professionally as a part time job, I have to help teach my cousin school, I have chores, and on top of all of that I still have a lot of editing to finish. I understand other writers have school and stuff and still manage to post but I simply do not have the time. I am truly sorry that I’m not able to but I promise I am trying.
          I’m not saying “I’m trying, don’t leave!” (I mean obviously I don’t want to lose my beautiful followers) but still. I’m not trying to force anyone to stay I’m just explaining that I have a lot on my plate and I’ve got some emotional stuff happening too so there’s a lot. And please don’t point out that other people can do it. I know they can but I’ve never been great at managing time, I have editing and I’m trying to make the chapters longer for all of you. 
          (You know I probably shouldn’t put you guys through the tournament considering how much you are all going to HATE the ending... huh oh well.)
          Anyway, thank you to the followers that have stayed, thank you to the followers that have joined and thank you to the followers that left, I’m truly sorry that my book wasn’t worth waiting for.
          Alright everyone that’s it, remember, if you ever have any concerns or questions (or just want to talk) please feel free to send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
          -Love you muchly


Hi there! Thanks for the follow really appreciated it! 
          I have a novel that I'm working hard on on 'Hateful Brother' if you ever have the time to take a look. Would love any feedback 
          But gotta warn you, it does tackle some mature content wich isn't for everyone. 
          Thanks again and have a nice one!


Hello my lovelies!
          Exciting news! Well for me anyway. 
          (Totally stole that line from tangled not gonna lie)
          Anyway, I’m turning 15! YAY ME! So excited.
          (Honestly I’m more excited that my bff/crush is bringing me a present he got for me and that I actually get to see him) 
          (Wow I’m such a cliche... crush on best friend ^)
          (Y’all probably thinking “wow how lame.” “Omg so pathetic.” “is this girl serious?”)
          Anyway. Even more exciting news! I might get to spend the day with my mom which I am so excited for because I haven’t gotten to spend time with her since before covid so YAY! (Again
          And I get hot wings for my birthday dinner which is like my favorite so YAY (again again)
          Also if any of you watch my live twitch streams on Friday nights at 7pm eastern time then you will be excited to know that my characters big secret will be revealed tonight! It’s a good one, bet no one is gonna see it coming. Totally watch it.
          Twitch: Role. Hit. Die. 
          I’m also finishing up a new cover photo for the channel.
          Also ( wow this is a long freaking announcement) I got a new book idea today while talking to my uncle (I know I know, please don’t hate me. I just can’t help it.) and I think y’all are really going to like it.
          I haven’t forgotten about an unexpected second chance it’s just taking a long time to write it to make it make sense on top of editing previous chapters and stuff. 
          Anyway... I think that’s all...
          *excited bouncing*
          “Turning fifteen, YAY!” (Again again again) 
          Alright I’ll leave you alone now.
          -Love you muchly


  @ FallonMadison  thanks!


@sunprophet yes covid does indeed suck. I hope you get to see the people you care about soon and that you all stay in good health. Thank you for the well wishes. 


@-bossybabylover- lol I hope so too. Thank you.  