
Last day for the school stuff... I need to turn everything in today but I don't want to do it... Likw I just want to be free... Oh well at least after this I'm sort of done with school! 


Okay I put a scenario in the book you tagged me but i didn’t want to spam you but i wanted to let you know 


@FallenStarT07 oh no it’s completely understandable  just let me know then when you are free because I get it  though I be busy myself 


            Yeah I had seen but the reason I hadn't reacted yet is because I'm kind of busy with school and trying to finish my assignments so that I can turn everything in on Sunday... 


That moment when you are working on school but then your brain gets either chaotic and wants to do a lot of stuff at the same. Or your brain isn't really that stressed yet and you are basically looking at the screen and doing nothing... Yeah I'm both atm. I'm working but at the same time my brain ain't stressed enough to properly work (I have tot turn everything in next Sunday 23 June. So that's gonna be fun) 


For the people I rp with just a heads up. I'm not sure when I can react the following week (and tomorrow/today) because I will be working on school. After that I can hopefully react normally again (so more frequent... Sorry if I made you feel like I've been ghosting you. It was not my intention...) but I can't garentee sh*t.
          It's just that all my assignments need to be turned in on June 23rd. And like I haven't finished half of it yet. So that's gonna be fun


Not me wanting to make more OC's but like not having the time and/or motivation to maoe them so you opt to just describing a few things of what you want to do...
          At the same time I also kind of want to rp...


@FallenStarT07 I saw thank you i hope that wasn’t so much trouble to do 


Me planning to work on school this weekend. Also me does a little bit and then procrastinates the hell out of everything the whole time until I feel like I'm done.
          Hopefully I will work on it tomorrow because elike I have to turn everything in on the 23rd and I don't want o have an overload of work to do that weekend 


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Welp here comes the biggest fuck me to my birth names
          I have made a Linkedin profile but at some point it was said I couldn't use it anymore. So I looked into it today and it literally said that if you use ID that the names on your ID need to be the same as the name you are using for your profile... Meanwhile my baptismal names are different then my call name... Like that's the biggest frick you to those names I've ever seen holy crap