
Happy New Year! 
          	Firstly, thank GOD for the new year, whether good or bad! 
          	Next, enjoy your last day of Christmas break! Hahaha...*laughing turns to crying*


yoooo i doubt you check on here nowadays and i'm not sure if this user is familiar to you anymore, but i used to be that YsaEncantadia fella down there in one of ur old posts !!! was one of the ppl into ur aiden x reader fanfics that stole a necklace or smth from the reader if i remember correctly hahaaaaaa ,, the memory of it resurfaced and i was surprised to not find the fic but still find you here, so just thought i'd say hi ^^ hope all is well n hope to hear from you if ever too !!


soo can I be your friend I'm so lonely T3T


@KAYdance425 Sure! And I'll follow you back! 


*friend added to list* YAYY
            ooh by the way check out the thing I just wrote on my profile 


Read it all! If you were killed, I wouldn’t be at your funeral. I’d be in jail for killing the person who killed you. We are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care. I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever. If I don’t get this back, I understand. B7t I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, send it to 15 people, including me, if you get 3 back you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it. Tonight at 12:00am, the person you love will realize they love you. Then at 1:00pm to 2:00pm, get ready for the shock of your life! If you break this chain, you will have bad luck. With love, send this to the 15. If you don’t, you will turn ugly, 1 year. A friend told me to do this, so pass it on. Tomorrow, two boys/girls will ask if they can have your phone number. Send this message to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year. This is not fake. Apparently, if you copy and paste this, you will have the best day of your life tomorrow! Good luck!


@HerobrineBeliever Thank you, this is very nice of you! Yes, we are friends! :-) 
            I don't believe in chain mail or bad luck, though.  I believe in Jesus! He makes me beautiful.  He loves you so much He sent his only son to die on the cross for your sins! It's cool if you don't believe that.  If you don't know about Jesus and you want to, you can ask me! 
            Anyway, thank you again for giving this to me.  We are friends and I appreciate it! Have a great day! :-)


Livin La Vida Loca!!!!! XD!!!


yes, yes i did uwu


@Meke3369 Did you watch Shrek 2? XD


@Meke3369 Where is this coming from?! XD