sorry for the silence! i was conquering my demons (school + final exams)...
          	however, i bring good news! finished the newest chapter for spring thief - so expect that sometime tomorrow!


just edited the formatting of the newest spring thief chapter...!
          for some reason, wattpad changed all my em dashes into hyphens when i copied/pasted it over, so i had to manually edit it now. sorry if it caused any confusion!


oh my goodness... decided to re-read my old fics (bizarre town, baby hotline, li'l science) and i'm so embarrassed by my waaay more formal writing style i had back then 
          still happy that these fics receive so much support! thank you everyone & expect a new chapter for spring thief sometime next week...


almost six months, so let's chat a little more.
          — Q: how have you been?
          A: just like before, i've been well. primarily, i've been focusing on school and art.
          — Q: have you been writing recently?
          A: yes, actually!
          — Q: what have you been working on recently?
          A: i'm hoping at the end of this year, i'll publish something. most of my old drafts and fic ideas are abandoned, mostly because i realized i was either falling into overdone tropes or didn't really develop it enough to be something substantial. i'm not really happy with how i wrote them.
          i've learned a lot from this past year i've had to reflect on my writing — at least, i think it's been a year? — and what i want to produce as an author. so, no isekai fantasy or shounen anime fics any time soon. the genre is saturated enough with them anyway, haha. i'll focus more on the things i'm actually interested in rather than producing what'll be popular and formulaic.
          regardless, thank you all for reading! make sure to stay safe and hydrate 


hey! it's been a while since i posted, so let's chat a bit.
          — Q: how have you been?
          A: i've been doing well, actually! school is the same as always, but i still find time to do the things i enjoy and hop on this site.
          — Q: have you been writing recently?
          A: ...nope.
          — Q: do you plan on getting back to writing?
          A: maybe one day. while i don't want to say any of my WIP fics are discontinued, they unfortunately might be - or, at least, be on a permanent hiatus until i decide to revamp everything, mainly because i'm very unsatisfied with the way i wrote those stories. i'm a bit of a perfectionist you see, haha!
          — Q: what have you been working on recently?
          A: well, i only update weekend whip whenever aiko decides to update legend of the lightspirit. i had a couple of other fics planned out, but looking back on them, i don't really like them either. they'll probably get revamped alongside other stuff. my main focus right now is school and art.
          — Q: do you think you'll return?
          A: maybe during the summer i'll drop something, but aside from that, no plans for now.
          and that's it! thank you all for reading, make sure to stay safe and hydrate.


hi! so, you might've noticed that i unpublished all my reincarnation route fics. i just wanted to clarify some things before anyone has questions:
          — why did you unpublish the fics?
          i wasn't very satisfied with the way i chose to write them. additionally, i wanted to take a step back and actually plan each story out (i did NOT have a chapter plan, LOL). also to not overwhelm me with so many plotlines (3 fics + editor/co-author of 3 other fics. yikes!)
          — are the stories discontinued?
          not at all! think of it as a hiatus until further notice. i didn't delete the fics, so don't worry about me losing anything.
          — when will you return?
          whenever i think i'm ready to. i might work on something else in the meantime, aside from helping out the fics i mentioned earlier. writing is just a hobby for me, and i don't want to take away the fun of it because i'm swarmed with so much work.
          that's it! thank you all for reading, make sure to stay safe and hydrate