
i have no wattpad friends /hj /plsbemyfriend


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why can't I just have my birthday ON my birthday? I swear something is always going on! I don't give a fuck about their wedding, I don't wanna go! J isn't my fucking dad, he's my brother! Good for him, he's happy, but I just wanna spend time with my family on my special day, not the weekend before or after.


im at a campground! its nice, working showers and bathrooms, it's cool. but so many SQUIRRELS!!!! 
          I woke up, BOOM, squirrel on the picnic table! it was okay. 
          A few min later...a squirrel. chewing through the hot chocolate mix bag. i scared it off, but it stayed nearby, waiting. 
          Then we checked the trash bag. It's chewed through. They also don't run away as fast. Mf I'm not gonna feed you, these things are greedy as hell