
Okay, so I had a great idea, and now I have no where to go, any advice?
          	Would be appreciated!
          	And yet, in the predawn sky, thunder rumbled, unceasingly. 
          	And yet, of course, this was of my own causing. Purple lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled once again.
          	I could still smell her.
          	I could still hear her.
          	Yet, I couldn’t see her-
          	“Adrian! Get away from the fence!”
          	‘This is going to be my undoing’ 
          	“I love you, get back further.” I calmly stated, not even glancing behind me. Searching, waiting, watching.
          	For the one that will push me to my doom.


          	  This is great!I have no idea how you could continue tho...


Okay, so I had a great idea, and now I have no where to go, any advice?
          Would be appreciated!
          And yet, in the predawn sky, thunder rumbled, unceasingly. 
          And yet, of course, this was of my own causing. Purple lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled once again.
          I could still smell her.
          I could still hear her.
          Yet, I couldn’t see her-
          “Adrian! Get away from the fence!”
          ‘This is going to be my undoing’ 
          “I love you, get back further.” I calmly stated, not even glancing behind me. Searching, waiting, watching.
          For the one that will push me to my doom.


            This is great!I have no idea how you could continue tho...


I read your stuck in Naruto book and at first I was just casually sobbing in a sad way and then it was a nostalgic sad sob and then like a happy sob and it's the middle of the night and I'm just curled up in my bed sobbing. I finished the book yet I'm still crying. It doesn't help that I'm an ugly cryer either.


No need to apologize everyone needs a good cry once in a while 


@Lord_Giraffif  oh gosh, I'm sorry about that, I uh, didn't think it would bring that much emotion to someone, and thank you for reading it.


Hi I'm I know this is a crazy question to ask and no its not about any wattpad stories or problems I have. I was wondering since you wrote a fanfiction about Naruto if you know where I could watch the shippuden episodes in English. I can't find them anywhere. 


@violet43299 Ok thank you. You've been a big help.


@lighnenbugs uuuuuhhmmmmmmmm i would say look at Tubi if you have a phone or something you can download it on, its free and im not entirely sure if it's in English.


Hello readers, followers and other writers that enhoy my books.
          I will be changing them on a different account, but that will not be for awhile. The person that got me onto wattpad is going through a difficult time currently, so I will be off fir a long time. I may or may not re-write 'Great Stuck In Naruto... WHY????' once I get to it. Other than that, im not quite sure about the others. I will post my newer account when I can. If you are interested in having me place another chapter in any of my books first to show whats gonna happen, just message me and i will try my best. Thank you all.


Hey guys! I'm back, but not for long, I've posted a new story, just letting you all know.
          I'm quite sorry. I've gotten multiple things done, and the only time tha tI have, s well, after i get everything that I need to done.
          but, i've gotten that done, see ya!
          (sorry for not updating)


@CassandraBlack12 oh..... thanks?i guess? see u then


@violet43299  You suck. Majorly. See you on the 20th.