
Tbh I absolutely love Jack's brown hair and MANLY beard, as he says it to be, like the coffee bean he is... but admittedly I truly miss the green hair and want to see the green hair in a ponytail, idk Im weird just like that. 
          	Honestly with all the ego stuff going on and Thomas throwing Remus in my face and lore and such, I don't think I can fangirl that much nor balance all the fandoms I got myself into. I'll manage XD


@ExpressoDepresso_ - Same. Also, I love your username, it's like me all the time. Wanna be friends? 


Tbh I absolutely love Jack's brown hair and MANLY beard, as he says it to be, like the coffee bean he is... but admittedly I truly miss the green hair and want to see the green hair in a ponytail, idk Im weird just like that. 
          Honestly with all the ego stuff going on and Thomas throwing Remus in my face and lore and such, I don't think I can fangirl that much nor balance all the fandoms I got myself into. I'll manage XD


@ExpressoDepresso_ - Same. Also, I love your username, it's like me all the time. Wanna be friends? 


Idk if anyone would even want to see this but I had just entered one of the most amazing fandoms I've ever been in ever since I joined Mark and Jack's fandoms. 
          Would anyone want to read Sanders Sides Fanfics since Prinxiety and Logicality is actually real?


@ghoul_boiz I know >.< idk why I was late lol


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Hey y'all. Guess who's back for like, a fucking year? 
          I know not all are gonna welcome me with open arms (honestly you shouldn't) but I just miss this community so much. So start bracing yourselves for more horrible writing. 
          I want to thank @antisepticglitch for helping me with everything. Follow her if you haven't. She writes way more awesome books ^^


this message may be offensive
@AntiSepticGlitch ^^youre the fucking best honestly i dont deserve you lol


@ExpressoDepresso_ Your writing isnt horrible! We're all glad to have you back <3