
Finally made some music again after like 3 months:


@Experiment121 not my style, still good.


@BlessedHollow thanks :) I'm still learning at making digital music sort of, and my recent stuff gets no views compared to before, so it's nice to see people listening to it and liking it.


Finally made some music again after like 3 months:


@Experiment121 not my style, still good.


@BlessedHollow thanks :) I'm still learning at making digital music sort of, and my recent stuff gets no views compared to before, so it's nice to see people listening to it and liking it.


I know I said this a lot the past few months, but for real this time, I HAVE decided to write again, as I got an A on my first piece of English coursework that gave me the motivation to write. My writing will be much better now, since I now know an even wider variety of vocabulary and the existence of the synonyms button.
          I will be writing a Touhou fanfic first ofc, sadly not intertwining time and space since I kinda wanna make a normal Touhou fanfic, but I will give you guys the option to pick the MC's love interest, and no Sakuya is not an option since well, she's a little overrated (Also I might include some lost word AUs in it).


@Experiment121 I forgot about that.
            I meant if control of the dreams or control of the dream world do you consider more powerful?


@mangouschase hecatia is confirmed to be the strongest Touhou character by ZUN, so her ofc, I just like Doremy is all.


@Experiment121 do you consider Doremy or Hecatia the more powerful in the dream realm?


How do I delete a wattpad account I want to get rid of all the cringe on this account


@Experiment121 I could help with that


@mangouschase indeed, it'll be much better, with more words per chapter and a wider variety of vocabulary (mostly with the help of the synonyms button on word lol)


@Experiment121 yeah but I consider it good, now it can be better.


Give me a title for my Tokyo Ghoul Reader insert pls.


@DonutKakyoin actually nvm I might've thought of one now lmao


@Experiment121 What is it about? If I don't know I can't think of one


I know I haven't updated my fan fictions in a while, as I've mainly been doing other stuff, but I'm going to buckle down and completely rewrite Double Demons. As almost all of it is just copied dialogue from the anime, which obviously isn't a good thing to do for a fan fiction. So I'll be completely rewriting Double Demons, and also continue my Sakuya X Reader, please give that more attention, as the dialogue in that is actually made from scratch, unlike Double Demons. I also changed my username and PFP, because I like Touhou even more than I used to.


@Experiment121 Also I'll keep up the old Double Demons just so you can see how bad it is compared to one made from scratch lmao


@Experiment121 ok scratch that, I just made my username normal


Can someone please explain to me what the hell RWBY is and why it's so popular in fan fictions, especially with an abused reader?


@Exp121TheGhoul I like to think of dust as magical crack because that's funnier to me for some reason


@Exp121TheGhoul *Ahem*
            Sooo basically RWBY is a Western anime made by Roosterteeth and it follows a story about a girl named Ruby who has lost her mother (Not really) and loves to help people, she goes to a dust store and buys something. But it was being robbed, she has headphones on so she can't listen and yada yada, also a Semblance is like an ability, like makes you go super fast, you can have fire fists, etc. It's always connected to genetics. Aura is like a shield, it heals minor/some major wounds, almost everyone in RWBY has an aura and a semblance, Dust is like a... What do you call it... Alright, dust is a magic ingredient/item/substance that has special qualities depending on the color, like red dust means fire dust, blue dust means water dust, cyan dust means ice dust, you get it. Also there's Salem... So basically Salem is the Antagonist of this story, she's the reason Grimm exist, (Grimm are evil creatures that look like animals depending on their strength) Salem was one of the first humans created by the brother gods (The Brother Gods are basically God, Light  and Darkness) But she defied the Brothers, and is forced punished immortality (It's a punishment because her counterpart named Ozma was killed?? By the Brothers as punishment for Salem).
            About the Abused reader I don't really know I think they just want the characters to abuse the male reader I'm not sure
            Well there's almost everything I know about RWBY


Oh you are Experiment121?! Owner of DT:LG AU
          I didn't know you have wattpad account good to see you here :) 
          You game is amazing! And you undertale and touhou remix and book story too! 
          (Sorry if my grammar suck)
          I a fan of you work


@User_Bronze oh nice lol, also I'd like it if you try not to share this outside of Wattpad, as I don't want my normie fans knowing that I read some character X reader stuff